Friday, April 24, 1931

We all went out to Henry’s this afternoon.  Papa & Henry started building the milk house.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here but there was nobody at home.  They came back again this evening a little while before they went to Elmer Parker’s birthday dance, we where not invited, Mrs. Blackburn told them to come.  Bertille got the mail today.  In the Waterloo Times it was that Jac. Schaefers have a little baby girl.  The Misses Rose & Alice Harbough went to Mc’ellester Oklomoa [McAlester, Oklahoma] to visit there sister Elenora.  Ed Meng sold his 85 acre farm on Richland Creek last Sat.  Henry Kleber of Floraville was the buyer, at about $40. an acre.  The Hecker bank was appraised last Sat. morning, the lot & building at $1200, & fixtures $650, Albert Gardner, Emil Hartman, H.M. Hill where the appraisers.  There was Central Examination held last Sat. in Hecker Public School by Mr. McCarthy & various schools in Prairie Du Long the teachers present where, Miss Gladys Hull, Miss Hilda Wihelms.  Last Friday Mrs. Dan Mendel the barbers wife was taken to E. St. Louis to the hospital for treatment.  The John McCarthy farm was sold at Master’s sale last Sat.  Dr. N.B. Pautler Dr. for $2500.  We had lunch out at Henry’s today.

Sunday, March 8, 1931

It is snowing & awful cold this morn.  Papa didn’t go to church today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner today.  Henry was up & got medicine for Floyd, he has the measles now.  Papa paid Uncle Fred for the seed potatoes today.  2 bu for $1.80.  Today is August Blackburn’s birthday.  Fr. Grootens went down to the Evangelical Church between our masses, & before there service & preached a sermon about the bank.  They should do as he says & everything will be allright.  Fred Schaefer brought Rome Meng home this evening, he was snowed under he couldn’t hardly hold him up.  Philip & Bill Freund were here this evening & we all went to church.

Monday, Dec. 8, 1930

Today is Church Holiday.  We all went to first mass this morning & then came home & ate breakfast & dinner.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Emil were all here, after that Oscar Birkner’s family came to get the wash stand.  Emil was here to see about butchering.  Henry & family went to Waterloo today.  We all went in to Belleville, Aunt Mary took some eggs along in & sold 3 doz. for .35¢.  We bought some toys for the kids Christmas presents.  The Hecker people were all mostly presented in there.  Ike Napiers moved today from the Knapp place to Ed. Meng’s again, Sensel & Pannebecker Blackburn moved him back, he was only up there about 3 months.  Adam Eckert’s birthday is today.

Sunday, Nov. 9, 1930

Today is Mrs. Blackburn’s birthday.  Henry & family were all here for dinner today.  This afternoon, Papa, Rosalia, Bertille drove out to John McCarthy’s to get our lamp for the incubator that we bought at Strohd’s Sale & also got a 1/2 bu. apples for .75¢.  Papa spoke a few words to Wm. Rankin.  We also stopped at Frank’s and Hover’s.  Tonight Louis Kerobers are having a dance celebrating Kate’s birthday.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are going.  We heard Mr. Fries shot his wife and then himself at New Athens this morning at 4 o’clock.

Wednesday, August 13, 1930

Today is Eunice Blackburn’s birthday.  She is going to be 15 years old.  It is also Hilda Staunbiel’s birthday.  I believe there is a bunch going to Hilda’s first and then afterwards go to Blackburns.  We have an invitation, but we aren’t going.  It rained this afternoon.  There were 2 nice rainbows in the East.  Bertille went & got the paper this evening.  She priced the chickens, heavy’s are .22 and leghorns are .18 and .15.  Lard is .10¢.  George Wagner has his garage finished now.  There was a big crowd at Blackburn’s.

Tuesday, August 12, 1930

Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched, baked pie this morning.  Papa went up in the woods to get a load of gravel for our road, but he got stuck in the branch & he called for Rosalia to come up with the chevrolet & bring along the ax and the chain along.  Bertille made a chicken for dinner, we had soup.  Today is Melissa Wiegand’s birthday.  We all went there this evening.  There sure was a crowd there, lemonade, cake were the refreshments.  They had a cake baked with 23 candles on.  It is also Mrs. Ben Heyl’s birthday.  Clevelands were there until about 10 o’clock then them & Heyls came to Wiegands.  Nick Mueth furnished music, but his music broke so Gus Blackburn got his.  Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up this afternoon & he went back home again.  Aunt Mary was here for supper.  I have seen in the paper that Dr. Eckert was fined $5 & costs for disturbing the peace, about his father.  He is to have a trial today.  It looks awful cloudy.

Thursday, July 31, 1930

Today is Ike Napier’s sale.  We all went to Napier’s this afternoon.  There was a large crowd there & things brought a pretty fair price.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary got an invitation to come back tonight again.  So I guess they will go.  We got an invitation to come to Wiegand’s on Aug. 12 & to Blackburns Aug. 13 & to Clevelands next Sat. night.  Hurrah! for a good time.  Mary May was buried this morning at Tipton Church and cemetery.  We had a little rain this morning.  We fixed a tire & tube.  Ed Ming bought most of his stuff today from Ike.  He got 2 horses & wagon, brooder house and many other articles.  Today is Robinson’s Circus in Belleville.  Emil Brand went up to see the parade.  Bertille went and got the mail this evening, our paper come in the evening now.

Friday, June 20, 1930

Papa went up town this morning.  Rosalia was up at Mamie Eichenseers this afternoon and got one of her dress patterns.  She brought our umbrella along back.  They got it fixed up now.  The men are going to work in the quarry again today.  Fr. Grootens called on Uncle Fred to come to the new school and work today.  He was afraid it was going to rain so Rosalia went out there and brought them along back.  Then Uncle Fred and Papa went to work at the school all day.  Henry & family came up this afternoon.  Henry & Leona went to Belleville and the kids stayed here.  Aunt Mary & Bobby carried lunch up to the men working, to Uncle Fred and Papa.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner, supper & breakfast with us.  Clarence Wagner was down a little while this evening or this afternoon playing with Bobby.  This evening Mamie, Angela Eichenseer & Mrs. Joe Wachtel came here to get us.  Then we all went up to Kammler’s Hall and celebrated Odillo Eichenseer’s birthday.  There were quite a few people there – Gus Blackburn, Uncle Fred, Karl Boll, Hy. Rausch & Ralph Rausch furnished the music.  Gus Blackburn charged $3.00.  They had 8 cakes baked.  We sure had a good time!  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed all night at our house.  There is going to be a dance at Rapp’s next Wed., but we got no invitation.

Saturday, June 7, 1930

Papa & Rosalia went up to Henry the morning to fix [the] fence.    There are dances all over tonight.  We have an invitation to Ronnenbergs and also have one to Ettlings, Marcella’s birthday.  There is one at Chas. Sensel’s barn dance, one at Oak Grove, Renault.  It rained a little this evening.  Papa, Rosalia & Bertille were at Ettlings this evening.  There sure were a lot of people there.  Marcella got all kinds of beautiful presents.  Those that were there were, Peter Reheis & family, John Reheis & family, Albert Cleveland & family, Robert Laut & family, Perry Klotz & family & Elmer Kammlers wife & Billy, August Blackburn & family, Nick Menths family, Ike Napier & family, George Boll & family.  The boys were: Henry Spalt, Clifford Stallebher, Elmer & Clement Parker, Odillo Eichenseer, Henry & Ralph Wiegand, Levi Ganley, Clarence Pabst, Karl Kammler & his girl, & Alfred Kammler & his girl, Ralph Rausch, Kenneth Kemp, Milton Wagner, & a good many others from St. Louis.  Cake, Beer, Lemonade were served.  We came home at 12:30.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at Ronnenbergs.  There was an awful big crowd there too.  Henry said it was crowded at Sensel’s too.  There were way many more people at Ettling then what I have mentioned.

Thursday, May 15, 1930

Leona, Robert, Floyd, were here this morning.  Leona & Bertille went to church.  Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie Eichenseer’s this evening.  We played ball, hi spice, and then we walked down to Deuker’s and talked with Ethel & Mrs. Deuker(sp?).  Then we stopped and talked with Eliza Boll a little while.  There is a dance out at Blackburn’s this evening, but we didn’t have no invitation so we didn’t go.  There was a big crowd there.  They charge .25¢ for the men.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there.  Papa, Rosalia were out at Henry’s this afternoon.