We went to Bellville [sic] sold everything out, but blood sausage; all the eggs 19 doz. for 30¢. Papa hauled wood.
Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1931
Today is Epiphany. Rosalia fried down 5 gals. bacon today. Papa took the car up town & got air & gas ready for Belleville tomorrow. Mr. Hill called up this evening & told us about telephone meeting next Thursday Evening at George Kammler’s. Bertille made some mush & put blood sausage in with it & fried it for supper. It sure was good. This evening we cooked some beef soup for tomorrow when we come back from Belleville.
Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1930
We washed & hung it in the basement this morning. Papa went to Waterloo to get his watch & get the Whippet fixed. We fried down a quart of shoulder meat this morning. Today is Frances Schilling’s birthday, she is 24 years old. We took the screens off this afternoon. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here, they brought us a liver & blood sausage along up. Henry & Emil were also here. Henry sold his boar pig to Ed Meng it weighted 174 lbs. & at .9¢ a lb. Eggs are .33¢ at the store.
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