Papa went to Jack Dugan’s & bought a sow for $25.00. got crushing done this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up to the woods & got load rock. Ed. Meng was over awhile. Henry was here & got block & taggle, to butchered a beef soon. Horn’s funeral & in Waterloo & Dehn at Red Bud this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & Rose & Berti went along to Oak Grove, Adm. 10¢, he paid it, Blossom City Orch; not much to it; one at Burksville also; at Waterloo.
Saturday, Nov. 23, 1935
We went out to Henry’s butchering, had lunch & dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped also; Uncle Adam came down awhile, Boy! it sure was cold last night & today; Papa got crushing done this afternoon, finished butchering at 10 o’clock with everything. Ed Pabst brought load corn. The Chicago Mail Order came, papa felt boots everything OK. The Buso Sisters are having a dance at Pautlers tonite, Gents 25 ladies free. Cowboys playing. Also is a free dance at Donahue’s, given by Siefert & Donahues girl friend; Blossom City Orch; we went to bed; early.
Sunday, Oct. 13, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here a little after church, most beautiful day; so warm. We went to Oak Grove to a free dance; nice time, large crowd; Blossom City played. Wm. Kaufmann of Waterloo was here, to see about a paint job.
Sunday, September 1, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came went along with us to Waterloo Home Coming, stopped at Henry’s first. We seen the parade, nice & large. free dancing all afternoon, Mrs. Gus Geodelle won $10.00 attendance prize. It started in to rain pretty heavy about 6:30; We went to Oak Grove in the evening, free dance & Boy! a crowd & good time, Blossom City Orch.; it was good.
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