Monday, Dec. 21, 1931

Henry & family, Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where all here butchering today, had dinner & lunch. Hy. Armstutz & Steve where here awhile too. We killed 2 pigs.

Thursday, Dec. 17, 1931

Papa working in the woods. We & Henry’s family where all at Albert Cleveland’s this eve. had 2 tables pinochle.

Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1931

Henry & Leona went to Belleville left the kids here. Mrs. Johnny Reheis died this morn. around 1 o’clock, she will be buried Fri. afternoon, she was sick for a time, had cancer. We all went to the wake this eve. stayed till about 12 o clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where going to stay all night. Ben Kerber a sales agent was here. Papa was in the woods this afternoon.

Saturday, Dec. 12, 1931

Papa got crushing done. He went out to Henry’s & to Uncle Adam’s took his scraper back; then he was by Ettling showed him his road, because he plowed a furrow over in the alfafa patch. This evening we all & Henry’s family went over to Uncle Fred’s listen to there radio. We played 5 handed pinochle, Bertille won 1 & Leona & Henry lost, we just played 2 games.

Saturday, Dec. 5, 1931

We went to Red Bud to church this afternoon. Henry & family where up this eve, played some hot pinochle games. He went up to see Jac. Neff.

Friday, Nov. 20, 1931

It is raining, & all day. Henry & family came up, the kids stayed here & they went to Belleville with meat, but couldn’t sell a lb, sold 1½ eggs. they all had dinner here. Then we through Red Bud to Waterloo to try to sell it there. The creeks where all out this morning.

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1931

We baked pumpkin pies, cake, for celebrating Bertille’s birthday tonight. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, Uncle Fred & Papa went to see Hempe’s & Kelley. Aunt Mary & Bertille went over by Mrs. Stauenfbiel we got a slip rosebush from her a pink one. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper & this eve. Henry & family came, played cards. Henry lost a little heifer today, Johnson Bro. got it. Tonight is talking movi pictures in the School Hall & Baseball Club has a dance in Kammler’s Hall.

Sunday, November 1, 1931

We went to church at Waterloo this morn. Henry & family came up for dinner, he went around taking orders, to sell his beef. About 2’oclock they went home. Vic Eichenseer, & Mr. & Mrs. Aug. Stamm from Ellis Grove where here, he wants to buy land, they wanted to go Uncle Freds, we called them they didn’t answer, so from here they went to Freeburg to look at some. We drove to Stringtown, Burksville, St. Joe out to a place where they have all White Rock chickens, we are going to get brooster from there. This evening we drove out to Uncle Fred’s but they weren’t at home. Lizzie Boll had her birthday celebration today it is on the Nov. 3, about 22 where present, they had a big dinner of duck & roast pork.

Thursday, Oct. 29, 1931

We fried down a ham & a qt. saussage [sic].  Henry sold everything in Waterloo last eve, all but a piece backbone, 2 bacons, shoulder, for 20 & 15¢.  Henry & Leona went to Belleville this afternoon, & the kids stayed here.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took some more turnips out, sold 1 bu. to Hy. Meng in trade with a bu. of sweet potatoes, for 50¢ bus. both of them.  There was a man here from Et. St. Louis & asked permission to leave his truck & a load of posts here, he had a flat tire & couldn’t get none at the store, so they unloaded the posts & left the truck here.  The egg man paid us 24¢.  We sold 63# Sprs. for 13¢ lb, Rosalia took them up.  She bought a lb. butter olea & got a towel along free, butter was 20¢.  This evening we all went up town, Rosalia & Bertille went to Kammler’s Hall to the dance given by the baseball club.  There wasn’t many there left them in free, then afterwords started charging 25¢ so we left.  Where home at 9 o’clock.  Bill Herzog & orchestra played.  Sure nice musci [sic].

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1931

It is raining this morn.  Henry & family was here & brought the little meat grinder along, they brought a calf up to ship with Eichenseer.  We washed, ironed & patched today.  There where 4 men going around today selling a book “Delinator” for 7¢ mo. & receive a cook book or a dress making book.  We didn’t take it.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up to pump the water out of the cellar this afternoon.  Papa got a Int. check from Hempe, part of it $40.00 pay the rest next week.  Louis Armstutz helped out in “Staggy” Helfrich’s barber shop a few days, “Staggy” has a sore finger.  We went out to Uncle Fred’s & had a pinochle game.  Papa & Aunt Mary against Uncle Fred & Rosalia & Bertille in favor of Pap & Aunt Mary 2 games.  We ate Watermelons, there a 35 lb. one.