For once we got a real nice day again. Mrs. Dan Mendal, the barbers wife died & is being buried this morning at Waterloo. Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. We went down in the truck patch this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for supper. They bought a piece of beef & then we had a good supper. We all then went to the show, & always a crowd. There play was Mr. & Mrs. Brown. There is a dance at the Brick House tonight given by the Horse Creek Ramblers, lots of people went there after the show. Eggs are 12¢.
Thursday, May 7, 1931
Irene Neff is 18 yrs. old today. Laverne Keorber, her friend is going to celebrate it at the Brick House by giving a dance Sat night. Papa found a balloon down by our truck patch today. It said on there return it & receive a prize, so we mailed it in today, to the St. Louis Arena. We cleaned our dinning room [sic] this morning, & this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & she went along with us to Pete Dehn’s funeral. They had supper with us. Eggs are 13¢ today.
Wednesday, April 29, 1931
Papa & Rosalia went out too Henry’s, she helped Leona clean her front room, they were there for lunch & dinner. Papa went to see Uncle Adam is isn’t feeling well, has cold. Katie Klotz was here & wanted to get about 8 settings of white eggs, but we didn’t have none for sale, so she couldn’t get none. Wm. Sensel was here & wanted to see Papa, but he was at Henry’s, so he went there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve, & Rosalia & Bertille went along with them too the dance down at the Brick House, given by the Horse Creek Ramblers. Adm. Gents 25, ladies 15¢. They sure did have a crowd. The Hecker baseball club announced a dance for May 6 music furnished by the Horse Creek Rambler, & they are going to give one again the 13 & Emery’s one on the 16 of May. The town board has meeting at George Wagners to-night. Our 8 little pigs where born Apr. 26 Sun.
Sunday, April 26, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where all here for dinner. Philip & Bill where here for lunch. In the evening they came back & we went down to the Brick House, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went there too. Bill Herzog furnished musci, [sic] they had a pretty fair crowd. They charged the gents 25¢ ladies free. The Red Bud Dramitic [sic] Club came to Hecker to the new school hall & gave a play to-night. There was a terrible accident in Hecker, this evening, there was a car came from the west & didn’t make no stop, & Eugene Bruns was going by & then smashed together, nobody was hurt but the cars where both damaged. The stranger car was a man from Belleville & one from Chester, they where intoxicated. The Sheriff was called & he arrested them took them to Waterloo to jail & the way they said they would have to pay $100 fined & 10 day in jail. I don’t know who is right, we heard now again that the boy’s where uncosinence [unconscious].
Saturday, April 25, 1931
Papa went to get crushing this morning. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s again today to build on the milk house, they had dinner & lunch there. It rained all day & tonight too. There is a dance down in the Brick House given by Lester Bruns & Ralph Wiegand, we where invited, but didn’t go on account of the weather. Odillo Eichenseer was here & he delivered 100 lbs. flour this morning.
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