Leona brought the boy’s up, they went to St. Louis to get permanents, Annie went along to. Awful cold again. Rain a little this morn. We went to Waterloo to Pautler’s Wedding dance of Red Mueller & Heller what a crowd. Pals of Harmony furnished musci [sic] didn’t start till 9 o’clock. The bride wore lace green dress & silver slippers, & bouquet pinned on, the bridesmaid wore blue crepe; the groom is driver for the Farm Bureau Service Co. Raining all night, it was awful; still everybody went.
Friday, Sept. 14, 1934
Patched cut lawn, made cookies. Mrs. Rennecker came over got flower slips, we got some from her too also a fern stock. Rain last night, this afternoon again. Edwin Wachtel’s sister Mrs. Kate Head in now living with him, moved her things out last Sat. Elva Knapp oldest daughter of Henry Knapp & Kloft of St. Louis, were married Sun. evening at the Waterloo Evangical [sic] Church, at 7, o clock, her sister & Miss Edna Goedell a friend were bridesmaids the groomsmen were from St Louis. The bride & her maids were all dressed with back velvet dresses & white gloves.
Thursday, Nov. 24, 1932
We had chicken soup for dinner. Rosalia & Bertille went to Red Bud to the Wedding high mass at 9’o clock, the couple was from Valeymer [sic], & also priest, the bride wore white dress & veil & carried white roses, the bridesmaid wore blue dress & ribbon & carried yellow roses. Frank Geshwender & Mildred Becthlofft are being married in Hecker with a wedding dance in the hall tonight. We are invited to Chas. Hellfrich’s to a birthday party tonite, Mrs. Helfrich’s & Mrs. Ed. Krehrer birthday’s; we all went down there, all the Birkner’s, & Jeff Bell furnished musci [sic], an a crowd & fun. Oh! Boy; cake, beer, wine were served, Hecker, Paderborn, Waterloo, Red Bud, St. Louis, people where all there. They said the wedding dance in the hall wasn’t much, Irene Reheis Orchestra of Belleville played; not crowded at all. Joe Griffin was best man, & her sister & best girl friend & maid of honor. The bride had white dress & veil, & others green, & coral pink; they had a white cloth laid all the way to the alter to walk on; the bride was taken to the coumion [sic – communion] railing by her father, & the girls followed & Frank & the boys came in the side door, everything up to the minute, 4 priests.
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