Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville with things eggs 32 [cents]; they left Marita here went home did there work & came back for supper. Bill [Klein] came this eve, played cards. Leo is going to trade his Ford for truck ford V8 from Bill soon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in going to euchre at Waterloo. Bert [Bertille] gave her 25 [cents] to play for her; also one at Broad Hollow Grange.
Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1937
Catholic Schools open today. Canning peaches cooking catsup, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed for supper last nite, then we all went to Smithton to Catholic Church pinic [sic]. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville dance, Viola Kaburcek birthday all free. Skaers Orch; nice crowd present. Hy Miller of Lords Corner is being buried at Stehfests cemetery this afternoon, Elsie Spalts husband 41 yrs. old had cancer nothing left to him, didn’t weigh 100 lbs. they said. Pap was at the cemetery; he belonged to Broad Hollow Grange & was a soldier, so they all had there ceremonies at cemetery; awful large funeral. Henry brought load of corn on frame wagon Billy [Willis] also. Levi Feurer stopped in looked at pigs. We went to. Ignatz Neffs got bottles & cans & bought 2 doz. jars 20¢. went to Leo’s got some grapes for wine, took peaches along & peeled & canned 4 qts.
Wednesday, June 2, 1937
Cloudy & had a few showers this afternoon, had beef soup dinner, picked first peas, carrots, cabbage in soup. Henry & Rob. came got hay rake & mule. We worked gardens, ironed & patched etc. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came up cut lawn, tonite stopped awhile went to Buelhlers, to get eggs. Anna Degenhardts wedding picture is in Belleville paper, Geo. Degenhardt’s daughter; the oldest boy got married awhile back. Broad Hollow Grange has ice cream & Strawberry festival & dance tonite. Wilfred & Leo Cortner had a trial at Belleville this morn. for fighting at Floraville, with Muskoffs boy’s. Leo & Rose came this eve.
Wednesday, April 26, 1933
We cleaned the kitchen stove & pipes. Rosalia went out to Uncle Freds & got the potatoe [sic] plow. Broad Hollow Grange is giving a play “Civil Service” tonite & dance after it. We planted 2 bus potatoes. Papa planted a patch of corn. Rosa & Bert went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, washed & worked the garden. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, stayed in Hecker over nite, she brought 90 cabbage plants & few tomatoe [sic] plants along. The road worker are working by Kammler’s & Scheinders today.
Saturday, May 7, 1932
Papa got crushing done this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon & then we went to Mrs. Leona Deuker’s sale got a hoe for 45¢. Most everything else brought a fair price. Oscar Matzenbacher got the kitchen range for $36.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker, all nite. There is a play & dance at Broad Hollow Grange tonite, the Deuker girls are in it, they are going to move to Edgemont, where we heard Lela is going to start a beauty parlor & Ethel is going to teach the Hirst School & board, by Mayben [?] Pickett, who is going to move in Kammler’s house where Deuker’s live, Harold has a home & all furnished, so they are going to move in with him & keep house for him, he got divorce from his wife.
Tuesday, June 2, 1931
Papa cut hay all day. Frank Schwindle was here & brought our brooder stove back. Alfred Eckert & Oliver Birkner where here selling chances on a quilt for a dime, we took one. We had our first spring chicken dinner today. This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & put up there curtains in the rooms, they where here for lunch. Henry & family, & Dan Geodell’s family where here this evening. Henry & Dan & the boy’s where going to the milk meeting, but it was at Broad Hollow Grange so they didn’t go there, they thought it was at Hecker.
Saturday, May 24, 1930
Today is Henry’s birthday. He is to be 26 years old. It is also their second Wedding Anniversary. Papa went to Waterloo this morning and this afternoon to the sale at Burksville and one at Ruma. Tonight there is a dance at Adam Braun’s barn, Broad Hollow Grange. There are quite a few. Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary were all at Henry’s this evening. The only ones that were there. We had cake and beer. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to the show. They said it was pretty good.
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