All Souls Day. Went to Red Bud had no mass till 8 o clock; went down for 6 was none, so went to Waterloo – high mass. Stopped at Henry’s & Shields. Geo. Schilling going to saw wood tomorrow for us. Shields is also going to help. Went to Leo’s this afternoon he is going to help & Uncle Fred. They are helping down at Chri. Buehlers today, papering I guess. etc. Henry Bruins have a baby girl born Sun. morn. Uncle & Aunt stopped in.
Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1938
Filed Under: 1938, November, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: All_Souls_Day, Aunt Mary, Birkner, birth, Brand, Bruin, Brun, Buehler, Catholic, Catholic_Church, Catholic_holy_day, Catholic_mass, Henry, Leo, newborn, new_baby, Orlet, Red_Bud, sawing_wood, Schilling, Shield, Uncle Fred, Waterloo
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