Billy [Willis] 2 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, stopped on their way to Adam Eckert’s threshing. Nice cool this morning. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, look at the wheat; Leona hauled some of got 81¢ at Waterloo, it is 86¢. The boss timber man was here. Clerk Al Gaven got a 13 lb. ham, 35¢ this afternoon. At the prize dance at Oak Grove last Sat. night Jim Tobin & Leona Vogt won the prize waltz $2.50 & all a fox trot prize of $2.50 was won by Eugene Flym of Burskville & girl of Evansville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here from threshing. We went out to Henry’s. Billy’s birthday, took 10¢ ice along & made 1½ ice cream; us & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were the only ones there.
Saturday, Sept. 22, 1934
We went to Wm. Straub’s sale by Burskville [sic]; bought a heifer calf $12.85. Mr. May & Vin Walsh, auctioneer & clerk. Ben Schilling & Jac. Reheis gave a free birthday dance at Pautler’s Park tonight.
Wednesday, April 4, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went in the woods; this morn. Ed. Neff has sold his tools to Hugo Probst who is going to start up a garage, Neff quit, he has chicken pox now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & we went to Burksville to Dugan’s Hall, Tiptown congregation was going to give a euchre & dance there, but orders came from the bishop to have it at Tiptown, so they had to take tables all out & take them there, this afternoon first. So we went back home again, looked to much like rain to drive there, went by Waterloo home stopped at Rexs got ice cream, then went home. Some Euchre, Oh. Boy!
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