Cold this morn. 15 [degrees] above. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped here awhile, went out to see Grossheims. Henry brought a cow hide up. butchered one today. Osie Neff was the butcher; he also brought a bone along for soup. Susie sang song for a whole bunch from Floraville & requested by a friend of Hecker. A lot of people that have been vaccinated recently have sore arms. Josie wrote A. [Aunt] Mary a birthday greeting, said she was coming out Sat.
Monday, Jan. 9, 1939
Uncle Fred’s butchered 2 hogs here today – 206 & 214 lbs. Henry & family & Leo & family all helped, raining nearly all morning. Emil came over awhile. A. [Aunt] Mary gave him some liver. Marita has a little cold. Eggs sure down 15 [cents].
Monday, Nov. 21, 1938
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, helped butcher today. 130 lbs. hog. used some Morton’s sausage seasoning in pork sausage. Game Emil a piece of liver, he had to work at Henry’s. Ed. Neff cam to get eggs we had only 1/2 doz. @ 30 [cents] A. [Aunt] Mary bought one of the shoulders @ 18 [cents]. Henry’s cutting chop today.
Saturday, Nov. 19, 1938
Pap went out to Henrys got barrl [? – unclear], ready to butcher, brought 5 lbs. beef along @ 18 [cents]. Went to Waterloo to Horn’s sale bought $1.50 all kind of articles. Leona got 4 chairs Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were all in to. Leo got card to come to surprize [sic] wedding dance of Kettler & Eitzenhoefer on Thanksgiving Day. Thurs. at Dicks Grove by New Athens.
Saturday, Oct. 23, 1937
John Braun came talking oil leasing again. Wagner kids got ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert went along to Floraville to Keim’s wedding dance of Clarence Keim & Lydia Doerr, attendants were Miss Keim & Horn boys Waterloo; such crowd received few presents; bride had blue dress. Henry & Billy [Willis] came, brought beef up. 55¢ for us & A. [Aunt] Mary he as roast & ours soup. 16 & 18¢ he sold it for; at Waterloo. Ed. Scheinader was the butcher. Pretty cold froze ice last nite.
Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1936
We washed, ironed some, we hung it in basement, so cloudy this morn. but the sun shined awhile this afternoon. We sent New Year Cards away. Stahl & Qurin were married Christmas. We found 26 eggs. today not bad; eggs are cheaper now. A man was here yesterday, selling 7 books for 25¢, relating to the bible, he says Christ will destroy this world in near future. Gus. Klotz is going to butcher 4 hogs tomorrow; if weather is nice.
Monday, Dec. 30, 1935
We washed, ironed. Papa went to town, mailed New Year cards for Aunt Mary. Joe Watchel’s butchering today. John Kaltwasser was nearly frozen stiff the other day, he is pretty old & lives by himself, didn’t have no fire, nothing to eat. Geo. Wagner came borrowed our scale to weigh some saussage [sic]. Mr. Chas Guebert & son came looked at our mare, but it is to small.
Saturday, Dec. 28, 1935
Pap took chev. to Probsts, & oil pump isn’t working, & he hasn’t any new ones there at present, so will have to wait till Tues; but he got it a going again this afternoon. George Wagner’s are butchering, got it from Gus. Klotz. Hy. Armstutz is doing the work. Beautiful morning snowed all nite, everybody is busy sweeping sidewalks this morn. Henry stopped in, he got crushing done this afternoon. Charles brought the mail. Monroe Feruer came papa had to sign Pabsts contracts papers.
Monday, Dec. 23, 1935
We washed, ironed. Santa brought the Christmas tree, & decorated it. Papa went to town mailed the Christmas cards. Mr. Burdorf & son butcher of Red Bud was here & bought our Jersey Heifer $40.00, papa also sent him out to Henry’s, but he didn’t sell to him. We got card from Josie, saying she will be out on the 26th in the morning. Wm. Ganley came on business; this afternoon.
Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1935
Pap went to town. Another beautiful day. Pap & Berti went out to Henry’s help saw wood, Cleveland & Emil also helped. Berti ironed & patched out there. Geo. Roever & Jeff Bell looked at the mare said it was to small. Alois Havey called but pap wasn’t home. The New Athens butcher looked at the heifers & cow, didn’t suit him at dads price.
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