We fried down a ham & a qt. saussage [sic]. Henry sold everything in Waterloo last eve, all but a piece backbone, 2 bacons, shoulder, for 20 & 15¢. Henry & Leona went to Belleville this afternoon, & the kids stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took some more turnips out, sold 1 bu. to Hy. Meng in trade with a bu. of sweet potatoes, for 50¢ bus. both of them. There was a man here from Et. St. Louis & asked permission to leave his truck & a load of posts here, he had a flat tire & couldn’t get none at the store, so they unloaded the posts & left the truck here. The egg man paid us 24¢. We sold 63# Sprs. for 13¢ lb, Rosalia took them up. She bought a lb. butter olea & got a towel along free, butter was 20¢. This evening we all went up town, Rosalia & Bertille went to Kammler’s Hall to the dance given by the baseball club. There wasn’t many there left them in free, then afterwords started charging 25¢ so we left. Where home at 9 o’clock. Bill Herzog & orchestra played. Sure nice musci [sic].
Sunday, Oct. 18, 1931
Alfred May has his shooting match over again today, on account of the rain last Sun. We all went back there this afternoon, it wasn’t a very big crowd, toon [?] many others. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, they brought some stuff along & we made it here. We were at Red Bud church. Papa went to town this evening. Frank Birkner brought some butter up, so he went up to get it for Aunt Mary 30¢ a lb. Tonight is the last night for show.
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