Bert [Bertille] went to funeral of Mr. Grahlerr to church, wasn’t so large. Pallbearers were Geo. Parker, Geo & Joe Groosheim, Joe Gregson, Nic Helfrich, Ignatz Neff. Henry & Leona went to Belleville left Billy [Willis] here. Washed this afternoon, scrubbed basement, washed kettles. Emil came but didn’t stay, we were busy. Mr. Herbert looked at horse. Emil came over, again this eve. awhile; he told us Louie Gregson was ill; Alf. Eckert upset his dodge Sun. eve. by Belleville. Otto Koch’s girl Erma is missing since Sun. nite, got the fellow down in Chester, but he didn’t talk up yet; she is from Red Bud.
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1937
Ironed curtains & patched; had chicken soup dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came scrubbed upstairs this afternoon; went to Red Bud. We went to Leo’s & Rose this eve; busy working in the field. Isd. & dad & mother [Orlet] had accident Sat. eve. at Belleville, car coming from Monroe St. came on Ill. St. without stopping & hit Isd. car, the bumper is damaged & also window shield; all shattered, no one hurt but Mr. Orlet flew from back seat to the front, was unconsious [sic] for awhile, but nothing serious I suppose they didn’t see them since it happened. Isd. was out Sat.
Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1937
Washed, ironed, canned peaches. A man here collecting for poor people. Mr. James Tobin & Leona Vogt getting married this morn. at Red Bud 8:30 high mass; dance at Oak Grove tonite, only daughter of Bill Vogt. South of Red Bud. Catholics here have card & lawn party tonite at School grounds. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to social, didn’t win nothing; Uncle had 7 got dresser scarf; played 12 games & couple games of each bingo, had cake walk, 15 cakes @ $1.25. Uncle Fred had to play accordion for cake walk; not much of crowd about 8 tables euchre, 1 pinochle, 1 solo. Mrs. Emmet Cowell while on her way to attend the wedding Mass this morn. was struck by auto. Leifer of south Red Bud, she also had with her a girl, who was also hit, had few teeth knocked out, & Mrs. has leg broken, side all bruised, were car had drug her about 30 ft. they say; is in Red Bud hospital, hurt pretty bad.
Monday, Sept. 6, 1937
Canned peaches 7 qts. & 1 tomatoes. Pap went to Wittenauers got pigs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us to Red Bud Firemen’s pinic [sic], for parade, had $5 attendance prize drawing every hr. Ray Wittenauers machine burned up, 1 mi west of Red Bud coming home from Oak Grove last nite; Irene Buehler, was driving & Ray & H. Wittenauer’s daughter was along, driving to fast, tire blew out, ran up bank & upset & caught fire; they were lucky to get out & not injured; only Irene’s lips & Wittenauer girls dress scorched & Ray hat burned; all feeling pretty good at the dance, Radio Stars Roy Queen & his gang played for the dance. Buehler told us today.
Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1937
Painter is here. Pautler from Red Bud brought oil here for H. Wittenauer, going to start plowing today, going to put all our ground in wheat. Yesterday afternoon it was 94° little cooler this morn. canned 1 qt. tomatoes. Mr. Joe Kunkel of Tipton was buried last Sat. morn. there; been ailing for quite some time, weak heart. Last week Thurs. nite J. Hellmer & May had a collision between Oak Grove & Donahue’s as May turned of. Mr. Hellmer had his arm broke & splintered, & she is in hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Hahn were with them but unespacd [sic – unescaped?] injuries, Mr. Hahn even flew through windshield, never hurt; glass safety. There is a sale by Valmeyer & Mondanaville [sic] pinic [sic] Catholic Fr. Duehren in charge, raffling a oven ware set & silver tray. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to the meeting in school hall, for the pinic [sic] next Tues. Evansville band to play. 25 pc. $30.
Sunday, June 27, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to Mamie’s went to ballgame awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Breezy Hill to Simon Miller’s & Buettner Wedding dance, Dream Time Trio furnished musci [sic]; large crowd & nice time. Vic Papenberg & car from New Athens had collision at the corner, the other car passed on wrong side, damaged the truck & car, no one hurt; Joe McCarthy, deputy Marshall, was at Boxton Sat. nite; camp guys started in fighting, he wanted to part then & keep peace, fellow pulled out a revolver & shot him at the shoulder, came out below the shoulder blade, he is at home, getting along well if no blood poison will set in; pretty hard for the guy, that did the shooting he is in the pen; at present time. There is also 4 boys from Red Bud in Chester pen for stealing by Jac. Erle’s. South of Red Bud. Mr. Erle caught them in the house, stealing money out of a dresser drawer.
Sunday, March 21, 1937
Palm [Sunday]. We went to first mass. Mrs. Gennin of Red Bud died will be buried tomorrow morn. mass at Red Bud, remains to St. Peter & Paul’s cemetery at St. Louis. Chester Cowell’s mother in law. So many people dying of Red Bud parish; here lately. Henry & family came, we went along with them to Leo & Rosalia’s had dinner & supper there. Sure beautiful day, little warmer. Spring to begin today. Last Fri. nite when raining so hard was an auto accident at Parrots corner, Voges beer trucker driver of Red Bud was killed instantly & Grueber man with him had 2 legs broken & all bruised, truck was stoped [sic] on hard road, rained so heavy, stoped [sic] the truck & they had no lights.
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schilling of St. Louis stopped in, going home from Geo. Schillings, see how we all were & left me 2 pictures of Omer, that he had taken when Martha got married; they are going to move in about 2 weeks are so, to Northton Ave; not far from Unioun [sic] Ave. he said.
Friday, Feb. 5, 1937
Bert cleaned, pap went to Red Bud to see Hartmann. This afternoon hauled a load wood in basement. Mr. Davies was here yesterday, wanted to trade; he took 2 doz. eggs along 19¢. Seen in Times that Joe Freund had auto accident last Sun. morn, near Booster Station, says he was crowded of the slab, car turned over landing on radiator, & quite a bit damage to the car, but he only has a few scratches. Transfer of Owen J. Fahey & wife to Ed. Fahey & then again Ed. Fahey to Amie, his mother. Tipton presents “Taming of Tuffy” tonite there. Leo & Rosalia & Jake came this eve. played pinochle about 6 games.
Sunday, Sept. 20, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Oliver Bell, Lee Howery & Ray Wittenauer turned there car over at Parrots corner last nite. Bell’s car, Ray was still unconisous [sic] at Red Bud hospital this morning yet. We took in the Floraville Homecoming this evening. Alois Havey came & got his radio, brought one out Sat. eve. left it tell this afternoon, couldn’t make no trade. Crook was here looked at drill, some other guys looked at the team, fellows from Mondonaville. Beautiful day.
Sunday, Aug. 9, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch here, went home came back again this afternoon went to the pinic [sic], Evangical [sic] church; pinic [sic] Floraville Band in afternoon & Schmidt at nite. We had a watermelon eating this evening then all went to the pinic [sic], had large crowd. Mr. Fred Kern of Waterloo had accident in Hecker at Mertz store, car coming from the south, both were damaged a little, but nobody hurt. There is a free birthday dance at Pautler & wedding dance at Dreamland.
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