Saturday, Sept. 15, 1934

Papa went up to Wm. Fritsche to get some repairs done for the grass mower. There were 3 people from St. Louis Walsh’s & Mr. Ducan [? – illegible] the latter fixing a truck at the home of J. Kraft near Waterloo, they skidded hit a passing truck, & were all three killed, Mrs. Walsh was a Kraft. Raining again this morning & colder. Alice & Lucille are visiting at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s now, then they want to go to Joe Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went out to Al. Cleveland’s to a party; had a most wonderful time, Oh! Boy, old time & modern musci [sic], furnished by Miss Miles & her band, & Uncle Fred; Papenberg & Parker; beer & cake were served, to people from far & near.

Friday, June 29, 1934

Papa went out to Henry’s, the billy horse died before they got home last night, Rendering Works, got him this morning. Papa shocked up the oats bundles that were down. We cut lawn, cleaned & scrubbed basement. Gus Frisch got cistern water here to drink; working on the road. It rained this afternoon a little, but not enough to stop threshing around here, but other places had to quit. The paper has that Mr. Emil Kopp & Miss Florence Nelson were married quitely [sic] at Granite City Ill. on last Wed. June 20, they had no attendants at the ceremony. The groom is the son of George Kopp who reside east of Waterloo, he is employed in St. Louis for some time, were they will make there home, she is from St. Louis. He is also a muscian [sic], member of the Waterloo Municipal Band  & saxophone player in the Moonlighters Dance Orchestra. Mr. Kenneth Henerfourth & Virginia Kumke eloped to Chester Mon. night June 25, were married by Justice of Peace. The groom is a son of George Henerfourth of Maeystown and had been spending a 30 day furlough here from the U.S. Navy. He is stationed on the S.S. Tennesee. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Orlinda Kumke of Waterloo & Herman Oldendorph is now employed with Becker’s Mill of Red Bud & has charge of the Burksville Station Elevator which they recently purchased from the Monroe Milling Co, they began buying wheat & at this old landmark Wed. & will have flour, bran, & shorts on hand for patrons. There was a accident in Hecker, by Eichenseer store, a Chev. coach & St. Louis Dairy truck, the car had the fender & hub damage, but nothing seemed serious had a argument.

Thursday, June 21, 1934

Rob. Mertz is going to put a new roof on the shed binder out at Henry’s today. Summer begins. They oiled to Hecker streets. Cleaned chick house. Henry & family came, kids stayed here had dinner, Bertille rode along with them to Belleville, shopping. We sure had a nice rain, rather windy. There was a man killed on the Columbia hardroad, in automobile accident. Mr. & Mrs. Omar Mertz of Red Bud have a baby boy born June 15. Mrs. Bertha Probst has returned home from the hospital. Miss Marjorie Rausch is in the hospital, was operated for appendix. Beautiful evening after the rain. Had first chicken & kraut slaw dinner.

Monday, June 18, 1934

Rose took papa out to Henry’s, shock wheat. We washed, ironed; nice cool breeze this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for lunch, he broke scicle driver, brought it up for Fritische to fix. We went out to Henry’s to get papa this evening. Eggs 11¢. I noticed in the paper there was a accident happened on Route 3, Alf. Matthews, was struck by hit & run driver, he was taken to Red Bud hospital were he is still unscoious [sic – unconscious]. He & wife & brother in law Cletus Miller; & were attending a dance, it happened 5 mis. north west of Red Bud.

Friday, May 25, 1934

Mr. Kolmer was here yesterday, looking for seed corn, we had none. Miss Ethel Deuker of Washington Park, E. St. Louis, is recently recovering from an operation on appendix. Mrs. Fred Papenberg is a patient at hospital in Belleville for a day, Dr. Wagner gave her gas, to pull all the upper teeth but 6 out, every one has an abscess on, she has awful trouble with them. Miss Bessie Parker, is very ill with cold. Aunt Mary says the frost killed watermelon, pickle & few tomatoe [sic] plants, last night, everything is OK here. Lester Gregson while hauling milk one day last week, had a wreck, another car, going in the same direction, hit the back of his truck, he now has it repaired, the other car was a total wreck, all damaged, no one was hurt. We took Uncle’s ladder & things home this evening.

Monday, May 14, 1934

We washed, hung in basement. Oh! Boy! is it raining, all nite & all day, surely is fine. Mrs. William Klotz is very bad sick, heart trouble. Henry & family came for supper, get tomato plants. Papa took eggs up, got 13¢. Lester Braun’s when going home from work, slipped, & hit the culpirt [sic-culvert], down the road, by Braun’s, he had heard something & looked around, his machine is damaged, the fender is hanging on the tire, Eichenseer’s truck pulled him in; to the garage to get repaired. David Hardy 90 yrs. old died Sat; prominet [sic] land dealer, in & around the vicinty [sic] of Waterloo.

Thursday, April 19, 1934

Papa & Rose went up to straw potatoes had a blowout. Cool this morning; they had dinner at Henry’s. Pap is hauling lumber home, from Schilling’s. We cleaned basement this afternoon. Papa took Henry’s team home, & we went out to get him; stayed awhile. Eggs are still 13¢. Pete Myerscough of Ruma had a accident in Hecker, by Eichenseers corner yesterday about 4 o clock, smashed telephone post, & iron post & stopp [sic] sign. There were 2 ladies with him, one was driving, she didn’t no [sic] she was suppose to turn the corner there, & turned to short, smashed things down, no one was hurt, the machine pumber [?] was smashed in all the damage that was done; on the car.

Friday, Feb. 2, 1934

Fried in bacon, sausage. Pap & Rose went in the woods. Baked bread. Ground hog can see his shadow today, no 6 weeks bad weather. Hy. Emery got hit by a passing automobile last Sat. night in Waterloo, but is not injured. Hawson the Plumber’s dad, of Waterloo died & buried. Fred Friedrich boy while attendening [sic] one of Pautler Dance’s at the park, slide down the railing banaster [sic], to the stair way & run over a splinder [sic] through his leg, in on one side & out the other, they didn’t take him to the doctor right away & now he has such awful high fever & is bad sick; talk is they want to sued Dr. Pautler for it. Good many people hauling wheat today. Mr. Vogt from Red Bud was here & looked at our heifers. Mr. Eddy Watchel of Waterloo had a accident last Sun. night, smashed his car, & was bruised up a little, it happened by Oak Grove.

Sunday, Oct. 22, 1933

Mission Sun. Rally at Cakohia [sic – Cahokia] at Parks Air Port. Bob Rettinghouse got killed on the hard road last nite, he & his daughter where visiting at John Lipperts, neighbor & brother-in-law, on there way, home got he struck by a passing car, from Sparta; the car was damaged a little, they say the road, has blood, on & some of his brains, so it must of been terrible. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. We went to Renneckers, Wagners where there too; played cards. Wagner held 1500 trump spades, Bertille had 500 in spades, & Pap had 1500 in clubs, & didn’t see it, some card player’s ha! ha!

Saturday, Oct. 7, 1933

Papa sowed wheat, Rosalia got crushing done. Hy. Meng got our mule, & worked him. We went to Red Bud to Waterloo, got glass put in chev; seen where 2 cars, that smashed this morn, by Donahue’s on R. 3, one came from St. Louis, that was Connor’s from Prairie Du Rocher, he was out on an all nite party, & was sleeping they say went the accident happened, at 6 o clock this morn, the other car was going to E. St. Louis. 7 persons where injured, 6 broken legs & in Red Bud Hospital, the cars look asight, all smashaed, total wreck, Nobbe has the cars. There is an all nite dance at Oak Groves & 20 Wedding Anniversary dance at Brezzy Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Crook; musci [sic] by Moonlighters.