Monday, May 11, 1931

Yesterday morning Henry Volkmann & wife while going home from church with the buggy met with a accident, there was a car coming from both directions, & the one drove to close & took the wheel off the buggy, it is just funny no one was hurt, & the buggy is altogether in a wreck, it happened almost in front Kuhn’s house, they settled it right there.  Bertille went to church this morning.  Papa & Rosalia went up in the woods.  Bertille went up to the school hall to see the play or rather moving picture show, given by the Cathestists [catechists] of New Mexico & Calif, Texas, it was good.  Tonight they will be in Paderborn.  The weather is sure funny, it rains, then the sun shines, real April & May Showers.  Harold Dueker is in St. Mary’s Elizabeth Hospital for appendix.  Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s took her along & then went to the show, the crowd increases every night, instead of giving the blanket away tonight, he is going to give 2 tomorrow night.  Vic. Eichenseer took his medicine & improved a lot.  Eggs are 12¢.

Wednesday, May 6, 1931

Today is Uncle Adam’s birthday.  He is 82 yrs. old.  The dance which was supposed to be this evening in the brick house was posponed [sic] until further notice.  The Hecker baseball team was to give it.  There is a show in the Public Schools Yard tonight Jackson’s Wonder Show.  Rosalia & Bertille went everything free, for a week, only medicine, Indian Herbs $1.00 bottle last night.  He took orders for 9 bottles, he could only sell 10 that the limit, we before it was over, it was to cold. We covered our tomato plants this evening but I don’t think it will freeze.  We moved out little chickens over in the chicken house this morning, it was raining, so we couldn’t turn them out of the coops Jack there.  Papa got a letter today from Mr. Tillman of Belleville the Farm Bureau Advisor, & also a check amounting $1.44 for the repair bill for the Chev. Accident with us & Peter Blank of Freeburg.  We had to lose 20%.  The bill amounted to $1.80, so we received $1.44.

Sunday, April 26, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where all here for dinner.  Philip & Bill where here for lunch.  In the evening they came back & we went down to the Brick House,  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went there too.  Bill Herzog furnished musci, [sic] they had a pretty fair crowd.  They charged the gents 25¢ ladies free.  The Red Bud Dramitic [sic] Club came to Hecker to the new school hall & gave a play to-night.  There was a terrible accident in Hecker, this evening, there was a car came from the west & didn’t make no stop, & Eugene Bruns was going by & then smashed together, nobody was hurt but the cars where both damaged.  The stranger car was a man from Belleville & one from Chester, they where intoxicated.  The Sheriff was called & he arrested them took them to Waterloo to jail & the way they said they would have to pay $100 fined & 10 day in jail.  I don’t know who is right, we heard now again that the boy’s where uncosinence [unconscious].

Monday, March 30, 1931

Those people from Belleville were here again this morning to see about Caldwell’s farm, but it is all off now.  They only want to rent, & he won’t do that.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening.  Eggs are 17¢ today.  Papa took the Chev. up to Barthel’s garage this afternoon & got the batteries put in again.  We cleaned the chicken houses & put new straw in it.  Clarence Rettinghouse had a accident & smashed his machine all to pieces in Belleville last night.

Friday, March 27, 1931

We went to Belleville today, & also went to see Mr. Caldwell.  It is raining almost all day.  We had a collision in Belleville, there was a car turned out on Main St. as we were passing by, & it hit our back wheel, & fender, smashed the cub (?) on the wheel.  The same damage was done to the other car, but that car bumped into the park car, that was in front of him.  The settled it at Tillma’s Ins. agent because ours cars were insured by the same Co.  They have to stand good for it.  That man’s name was Blair.  There is no service tonight on account of the inclement weather.  Papa went up town to get the mail & he went to Eichenseer’s store, he brought a half of lb. of pineapple cheese, but nobody liked it but Pop.

Friday, Jan. 2, 1931

Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morn. & Papa went out to Oscar Birkner’s.  This afternoon he went out in the woods.  Fr. Grootens & Frank Swindle were here this evening & looked at our new pigs, they said “they are sure nice.”  H.M. Hill was reporting the news to the Belleville Papers that the Hecker bank shut its doors.  I seen in the Waterloo Times that Miss Helen Keckritz & a Cowell from Red Bud had a collision & Miss Keckritz machine got on fire & was completely pushed off the road & all damaged, it happened between Red Bud & Waterloo, she & a few more friends were going to the Brickey School, when the accident happened.  I believe she has a new Whippet now.  Emmett Cowell of Red Bud, the store manager of there was fined $102 (he had no license) for buying furs of a certain kind.  Robert Basecher 19 of Red Bud & Miss Fern Gully 20 of the same place were married last week.  Dr. Fentor also of Waterloo was in a collision in E. St. Louis & Mr. & Mrs. Fenton & their niece was hurt seriously.  Henry Kessler of Hecker has just passed his 70th birthday anniversary & says he is going to withdraw from the Woodmen.

Friday, Dec. 12, 1930

Today is Emil Brand’s birthday.  Bertille baked honey cookies this morning.  This afternoon we all went up in the woods.  I seen in the Waterloo Times that George Wiegand of Hecker Ills., has a new Plymouth Coupe.  Hugo Schroeder of St. Louis was in a accident Tuesday evening a machine collided with him on the Hard Road by Coxeyvile.  Leona baked some pinwheel cookies this afternoon for Christmas.  Herman Geodelle & Ray Crook had a accident too Tuesday evening.  The machines were both damaged & Crook had a cut in his hand.  A baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Nick Meuth on Dec. 2 & a baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Hy. Brinkman sponsor were Mr. & Mrs. George Welzbacher.  Its name is Sylveria[?] Elizabeth it was baptized in Waterloo Sunday.  In Red Bud it is reported have 30 cases of scarlet fever & it also is spreading out in the country now, the way the paper says.  The Co. commissions to 3 surveys for the hard road to Hecker & sent them up to Springfield.  One was the old road & thru Lord’s Corner down to Athens, & one north, & another still further north, straight east from Waterloo.

Sunday, August 24, 1930

Hempe’s were here this morning & look at our colt & horses.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary were here for dinner.  We had 2 watermelons for lunch.  This afternoon Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went down to Lester Gregson’s to see the little boy.  Wittenauer’s from Belleville were also there.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary ate lunch, watermelons here, then they went home.  After they was at home a little while she called up & said they was going to see Henry tonight.  So we got ready and we all went out to Henry’s.  Uncle Fred had his accordion along & music was the main feature of the evening.

Clarence Wittenauer up set his car in the ditch this evening, after coming from the ball game.  But he wasn’t hurt, there was no glass broke, only the fenders & radiator hurt a little, the car was injured.  Red Bud & Hecker played ball today, Hecker won.  Willie Parkinson is very sick.  He turned back Catholic again.

Wednesday, August 6, 1930

Today is a sale down by Lenzburg and Marissa.  George Wagner is tearing his shed down and is going to build up a garage for his machine.  John Kammler and Reuben are doing the work.  Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s all day.  They took 2 chickens along for dinner.  Bertille stayed home & ironed & patched.  It was pretty hot today.  Dr. Eckert’s father died from old age & heat.  Mr. Rennecker came over on the porch with us a little while.  Jacob Erle & John Wittenaur’s machine got smashed tonight.  Wittenauer’s car was standing by Eichenseer’s when Jac. Erle came along and stopped to, he bumped into and knocked it against the tree over on the sidewalk & then back in the alley.  Erle had a scratch on the chin.  His car was pulled to Red Bud on a wrecking car.  Wittenaur’s is standing in Eichenseer’s back yard.