Went to Belleville with 2 hogs 435 [lbs] – @ $6.95, & by Herberts near Ross filling station. Christopher, guy living in Douglas passed us & had head on collison with another car, they were bruised a little on head; our fender damaged; other guys car was way in ditch, it was so awful foggy, awful bad driving; they had there car towed in by Dewein’s from Belleville, we could still drive ours. Went to Leo’s. Marita isn’t feeling well, didn’t sleep & has high fever had her at doctors this morn; he says its teeth; was pretty good when we left. Awful warm these days in 80 [degrees] cloudy this eve.
Monday, Sept. 6, 1937
Canned peaches 7 qts. & 1 tomatoes. Pap went to Wittenauers got pigs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us to Red Bud Firemen’s pinic [sic], for parade, had $5 attendance prize drawing every hr. Ray Wittenauers machine burned up, 1 mi west of Red Bud coming home from Oak Grove last nite; Irene Buehler, was driving & Ray & H. Wittenauer’s daughter was along, driving to fast, tire blew out, ran up bank & upset & caught fire; they were lucky to get out & not injured; only Irene’s lips & Wittenauer girls dress scorched & Ray hat burned; all feeling pretty good at the dance, Radio Stars Roy Queen & his gang played for the dance. Buehler told us today.
Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1937
Painter is here. Pautler from Red Bud brought oil here for H. Wittenauer, going to start plowing today, going to put all our ground in wheat. Yesterday afternoon it was 94° little cooler this morn. canned 1 qt. tomatoes. Mr. Joe Kunkel of Tipton was buried last Sat. morn. there; been ailing for quite some time, weak heart. Last week Thurs. nite J. Hellmer & May had a collision between Oak Grove & Donahue’s as May turned of. Mr. Hellmer had his arm broke & splintered, & she is in hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Hahn were with them but unespacd [sic – unescaped?] injuries, Mr. Hahn even flew through windshield, never hurt; glass safety. There is a sale by Valmeyer & Mondanaville [sic] pinic [sic] Catholic Fr. Duehren in charge, raffling a oven ware set & silver tray. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to the meeting in school hall, for the pinic [sic] next Tues. Evansville band to play. 25 pc. $30.
Sunday, March 21, 1937
Palm [Sunday]. We went to first mass. Mrs. Gennin of Red Bud died will be buried tomorrow morn. mass at Red Bud, remains to St. Peter & Paul’s cemetery at St. Louis. Chester Cowell’s mother in law. So many people dying of Red Bud parish; here lately. Henry & family came, we went along with them to Leo & Rosalia’s had dinner & supper there. Sure beautiful day, little warmer. Spring to begin today. Last Fri. nite when raining so hard was an auto accident at Parrots corner, Voges beer trucker driver of Red Bud was killed instantly & Grueber man with him had 2 legs broken & all bruised, truck was stoped [sic] on hard road, rained so heavy, stoped [sic] the truck & they had no lights.
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schilling of St. Louis stopped in, going home from Geo. Schillings, see how we all were & left me 2 pictures of Omer, that he had taken when Martha got married; they are going to move in about 2 weeks are so, to Northton Ave; not far from Unioun [sic] Ave. he said.
Sunday, Aug. 23, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile after mass. There 38th wedding Anniv. The Hecker Catholic church pinic [sic] cleared $800. & Red Bud on ice cream social $300. all pretty good. We went to Pautlers to Al. Einwich birthday dance, Rythmn [sic] Kings Gents 25 ladies free, had pretty nice crowd. Alvis Roth had a collision, coming out of the Douglas road & didn’t stop, got knocked of machine a total wreck.
Friday, Oct. 11, 1935
Henry came, had lunches & dinner here, finished up sewing wheat today. Leona is still sick, doctor says cold on kidneys. We spaded a piece in back yard; & this afternoon cleaned dining room, washed curtains. Bernice brought the mail; she also had a chain letter if we wanted to try it, making a quilt block, & when your name reaches the top, you will receive 125 blocks, we didn’t try it. Clara Wagner came paid for the lard 16 lbs @ 20¢. Mr & Mrs. Roy Pautler have a 10 lb. baby boy born at Red Bud hospital on Oct. 8, first born. Wm. Huebners have also a baby boy. Wilbur Grossman of Smithon [sic] & lady friend Irene Rayson had a head on collision last Sun. afternoon with Beckmann of Columbia on the Prairie du Rocher; injuries were treated at Red Bud hospital.
Sunday, Sept. 8, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Out to Uncle Fred’s dinner & supper. It rained a nice shower. Joe Griffin was annouced [sic] for 3rd time but the wedding was postponed, Mrs. Griffin is very low at present. Pete Kaiser had a head on collision car is total wreck, last Sun. at Belleville, 5 persons, were all taken to the hospital, he didn’t know nothing for 2 hrs. had a fractured skull; but is pretty good now. Holy Name Conference for men at Trenton today. We went to Paderborn to Totch’s to a free dance; & Boy! it started in to rain. Oh My!! the crowd started to leave, sure did have a crowd. Schoenborn & Schaefer played musci [sic]. Totsch’s served hot rump corn beef sandwiches. Kraemer & boys of Millsdadt, were going to fight, a constable made order, quite a few were feeling good. Geo. Mueth fell down outside, long as he was.
Sunday, April 28, 1935
Went to Red Bud; they made $80. clear at the card party Tues. nite. We went out to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper. Mr. John & Sam Krehrer, were also there, looked at implements etc. We went to Pautler at Waterloo tonite, free double birthday dance, musci [sic] by Cowboy’s, nice crowd, there was a wedding dance at Dreamland, Mueller & Shewer Jr. It rained nearly all evening. Ed Fahey said Martin May turned his car over last night at Vanburen’s, 5 in the car, went to Waterloo to get Rose, & going home, car came out Vanburens lane, & collision, May’s car is a total wreck, took Martin to the doctor, man from Renault was driving, Rose has scratches & bruised a little; that is the third car he wrecked in a short time. Mr. Robert Probst is having a dance at Manier’s tonite, musci [sic] by Vogel Bros. Adm. 25¢.
Sunday, March 31, 1935
Went to church, colder again today, made fire in furnace again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile then went home. Frieda Buehler called, & wanted to know if they were staying in Hecker, so most probably they will be having company today. We ate our first lettuce yesterday, dinner & supper, & today again. Boy! does it taste good. We brought Agnes Krehrer along from Red Bud, she told us that they were invited to Chas. Hepp’s this afternoon. Mildred was giving a surprize [sic] shower for Melba who is to be married to a Liefer in June. There has been 40 hr. Devotion at Waterloo these days, the closing tonite. In Chicago they had snow; yesterday. There was a collision in Hecker, in front of the church, Pete Kaiser & Frank Birkner, being Kaiser’s fault, he turned on to the road when Frank was passing, no one hurt, but cars damaged, Kaiser is going to settle it all, he just has a new V8 Ford, about a week, & now wrecked; Birkner’s fenders were torned [sic] lose, in Probst’s garage now. We went to Waterloo, attended 40 hr. Devotion, the church was filled; about 12 priests present, procession of girl’s & boy’s, priests.
Wednesday, March 20, 1935
Rose & Berti went out to Uncle Fred’s helped finish & clean up, had dinner there. Papa helped Henry sow oats had dinner out there. We made garden, put out onions etc.; awful warm. Melvin Wagner was over, Chas & Bernice are both sick in bed, with fever & bad cold. Dr. Eckert was there this afternoon & night. Mr. John Armbruster & Lillian had a collision on the Freeburg hard road, she is in hospital, & he is also pretty bad. We went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also were up, went to church.
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