Sunday, May 21, 1933

We left early & went to Waterloo church, after that we drove out to Louis Vogt’s to look at a horse, Henry & Henry Brinkman went along, went to Reichscheider’s, & to Bill Freunds, papa paid his bill, $22.81 chev repair & Bill $5.00 labor on it. In Red Bud first mass was at 5:30 high at 7:30 and solmen [sic – solemn] comunion [sic], & confirmation was at 10 o clock. It is awful warm again today. We went out to Uncle Freds, but no body home there, they where at Oscar’s; so we went to the cemetery, it is awful weedy there, Ignat Neff & Roth had there lots cleaned, so we drove to Ed Cortner’s & papa looked at his barn, he wasn’t at home, down in the creek bottom plowing. Mr. Hill was here & at the neighbors collecting news.

Saturday, May 20, 1933

Papa got crushing done. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & rode along with us to Waterloo in the Whippet, went to Mrs. Schlingmans sale got all kinds of thrash; we brought our chev along back, it is all repaired now, only not the battery yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here. It was a terrible wind this evening & a little rain. Mrs. Stauenfbiel was over to see if she could find a way to get to Red Bud to confirmation tomorrow; she found a way with Pour’s.

Wednesday, May 17, 1933

We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, brought tomato & cabbage plants along; for Leona. Henry & family came to. & also Bill & Mike, Creses & Mrs. Al Scheinder & her boy. Creses, Rosalia & Bertille went to the baseball dance in Kammler’s hall. They pulled our machine in to Waterloo, behind Bill’s; he is going to finished it in there. Papa went over to Meng’s awhile this morn. eggs are 9¢.

Tuesday, May 16, 1933

Today is clean-up day in Waterloo. Bill Freund was here for lunch & dinner, he fixed our chev, going to put new piston rings, valves in it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stop here on there way to Belleville this afternoon.

Monday, May 15, 1933

Raining all morning, nothing but rain. The baseball team went over & played with New Athens yesterday. Hecker won with score 19 to 1. Bertille went up town mailed a letter to Cresces. We went to Waterloo this afternoon took our eggs in got 11¢ doz., got some repair done on Chev, for 20¢ at Schrieber’s. Papa took eggs up to Hecker this evening; got 10¢. George Wagner & family where here this evening.