Leo & family came making plans for building shed had dinner & supper here. Leo & pap went to Smithton. Leo bought new V8 Truck $500 & his old car, brought it along home. Henry brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookied. Mrs. Roland Nobbe – Mildred Wild died & was buried this week at Waterloo she had been sick for some time married just a year & Walter Nobbe fell on leaves on sidewalk at his home & fractured some bones, is confined to his home.
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1939
Washed, ironed. Eichenseer boys hauled in 2 loads coal. Pap went out on business trip this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to euchre in School Hall given by the Holy Name Society. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn euchre there, & also Millsdadt [sic] has a card party tonite, all in same nite. Cortner boys bought a new V-8 traded in 1937 chev.
Saturday, Oct. 21, 1939
Pap got haircut. We went to Smithton this afternoon, went out to see Schwal’s pigs. Bill [Klein] came this eve. he was at Ed. Cortner’s to sell him a 1938 Ford; that he traded in to Baltz banker of Smithton for 1940; first trade today. They had a fire in Smithton, weeds, had fire engine called. Geo. Parkers barn on Schilling place burned this afternoon to. also from a weed fire it started; had Hecker fire department out.
Saturday, Sept. 30, 1939
Cold, but no frost & cloudy, it rained yesterday. Sale at Waterloo, we didn’t go, to cold. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] along to St. Louis; traded his V8 to Cletus Meuth for his 1934 Plymouth.
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