Henry & papa went to Red Bud to see Ratz. Baked cookies canned 5½ qts beets & 1 can beans; had chicken dinner. There was a car went by just like a train, from Hollywood; Motion Picture Studio. was very pretty. an airplane flew south west real low this morn. Papa went out to help Henry cut oats again, the Whip. stopped coming home on the other side of town, he called for Rose to come, pull him in now it works again. had lunch out there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she & Berti went over to Minnies Staufenbiels, tried her dress; they had lunch here, & she went back over there again. Celestine Neff is working for Mrs. Mertz taking care of the baby Mrs. she is help out in the store, when the mail comes in.
Thursday, Aug. 9, 1934
Papa & Rosalia took wheat to Waterloo, got 90¢ the price is 96¢ now; they blew out a tire by Kectritz coming home & drove on it all the way home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, he lawned. We went to Red Bud, bought 2 new tires & tubes for the Whip from Schrieber’s, $13.50 got tickets too.
Sunday, June 17, 1934
Rose & Bert, went to Red Bud church, took Helfrichs along, then we & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary drove down to Red Bud, was going to go to Martin Fahey’s, & our machine didn’t work; so we took it to Schrieber’s garage & got oil changed generator put in for $6.25, then it got to late, so we went home. Uncle Fred & Aunt had lunch here this morn. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s cut wheat papa drove the binder. Uncle & Aunt came here, took Bertie along to Martin Fahey’s, & also his other farm; came home past Henry’s & stopped there, all had lunch. Uncle took our mule along & Aunt & Rosalie drove the car, she had supper over there; papa & Bert came home together; it got awful black & cloudy little wind & rain this evening. There was an airplane landed in Braun’s field; cause of weather. Geo. Wagners have lot of company today. Chas. birthday. Maniers have a dance tonight, musci by Jolly Six of Red Bud. Adm. 25¢. Band concert in Mascoutha [sic].
Saturday, June 2, 1934
Papa got crushing done. We went to Belleville this afternoon, got white shoes; coming home by Lipperts our car started in to knock, connecting rod burned out I guess. Hugo Probst pulled us home, to the shed, he is going to get the car Mon. & repair it. Leona brought the boy’s up to stay with papa, we went along with them to Donahue’s free anniversary dance, Keohler’s Orchestra, large crowd, Oak Grove wasn’t much, few cars, popeye didn’t come, they said, Blossom City Boys played. It rained a little & wind. In north St. Louis, it stormed, 7,000 bales cotton was destroyed through fire. In Minnesota, were it was so dry, they had snow several inches.
Saturday, March 24, 1934
Uncle Fred & Papa went down to Mr. Albert Gregson’s sale, didn’t get anything. Starr Auc. & Russel Gregson clerk, everything brought pretty fair price. Two fellows here from Wartburg, Dunn, bought our 3 heifers $57.50, going to get them Mon. morning; wanted to buy Jersey Bull from Henry also. We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went out to Roberts birthday 8 yrs. old; the only ones present had cake. Brought Mr. Cleveland & Grover along out from Hecker, they got there machine in the Ed Neffs garage, broke the head, pouring hot water in while cold, & Emil froze his radiator up, the last cold spell. Oh, Boy!
Friday, Feb. 16, 1934
Papa went out to haul logs; work in the woods. Aunt Mary & Josie came here for dinner. Josie went home about 2 o clock, took Mrs. Eckert along & 20 doz. eggs from here. Papa couldn’t get the car started in the woods, he called up, Josie & Rose went out & got him & took him back again. Wuertz Bros. was here & Uncle Fred came up to get Aunt Mary this evening; there was church, but she didn’t go. Ed. Pabst came. It is colder again, we started furnace fire.
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1934
We washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Josie, here for dinner & supper, played pinochle this evening then had midnite lunch 11:30. Josie held 1500 trump twice hand running, & 600 queens & round house all in same game. Bert had 600 queens. Papa & Uncle Fred got Josie’s machine up from Ben Heyl’s, pulled it up behind Uncle’s car. Ed Neff started it today & put in alchol [sic] all for $1.00. Josie took cheese, butter, sausage & things along, Mr. Talbot delivered 5 lbs. here for 22¢ a lb.
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we butchered 3 hog, had dinner & supper. Josie Keller came just before dinner. She couldn’t get her car startd, so Katie Klotz brought Josie & Ida along, Aunt Mary, Josie went quilting by Cara Armstutz’s this afternoon; it isn’t as cold again today. Red Bud Young People Sodality are giving euchre, lotto, 500; we all went, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Josie, Bertille got lucheon [sic] set, Aunt Mary got dress and gave it to Rosalia, Papa got table cloth. The rest got no thing, the cake was won by Mrs. Oswald. Raffle & attendance prize a ham, to Mr. Hahn of Red Bud. It wasn’t a very large crowd. It is in tonite’s paper, The. [?] Pleuger, 2 miles north of Red Bud 35 yrs. old, residing with his father, shot & hung himself in there barn today, was found 3 hrs. later.
Saturday, July 8, 1933
We all went out to Henry’s threshing, but it rained before they got started, & rain all day, so a few where there for morning lunch, & the rest went home. We where there for lunch & dinner, then went home, & what a time! stuck here & there, had to push nearly all the way across the hills. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to Hecker first, planted beans, pickles & etc, then went home. Harry Kammler is giving a dance to nite, but not much doing, Dixie Blue Bloys mussic [sic], it is still raining. We cut in about 1 gal kraut; what we took along out to Leona’s & back.
Thursday, Dec. 15, 1932
We all went out Henry’s butchering today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Emil & Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle where all there. We couldn’t get the Whippet started to go home, cranked & put hot water on, but it wouldn’t go, so Uncle Fred pulled us till to the hills but, then it wouldn’t go up, his wheels started spinning still, so Adolp [sic – Adoph?] Petri & his wife came along, they both helped to push, but still didn’t go, so we put chains on Uncle Freds machine & then it went up right away, till we got by Kemp’s the Whip started then Uncle Fred turned around & went home, & it worked all right coming home. The people that lived on Hirst’s place where out there trying to to sell apples. Leona bought a peck, $1.00 bus, they where bruised & fallen.
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