Papa went in the woods. Berti ironed. We received a card from Elvira Haudrich. Chas. Daugherty wedding to take place at Paderborn Nov. 13; & dance at Totchisin [?] evening. Bernice Wagner came & told us to come over there for a card game this evening; so we did played four handed pinochle & loser drop out; Pap & Merhmann were partners & lucky players this evening; he held 1500 trumps & etc. Clara & Rose & George & Berti were partners. They say Clifford Stahleber & Red Mueller are married & live in Waterloo now, above Kerhn’s store.
Tuesday, April 30, 1935
Went out to Henry’s, pap plastered the walls, we helped wash, took ours along to, cooked soap, ironed, baked etc.; last day of school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up working. Mrs. Donahue, & Mrs. Kirsh both old ladies of Red Bud died, close neighbors. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & Rose & Bertie went to the euchre in Kammlers Hall, Adm. 25¢, was given by the Lords Corner Church not much of a crowd. Bertie had 11 point won prize, coffee percolator, Rose got soup dish; very beautiful. We washed our hair & they got very pretty. Henry Volkemann is very sick, cold.
Friday, Oct. 26, 1934
We cleaned. Emett Cowell is selling out to the 4 bare walls at Red Bud clothing store, is going to move next door south & a filling station will be erected at the corner, where he has his store. Dr. Matt J. Crowe & Marie Eberhardt of St. Louis where married last Thurs. Oct. 18 at the Nativity Catholic Church, Harney & Oriole Ave. Mr. Crowe has been doctor for several years. Office is located at 5738 W. Florissant Ave. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Chas Eberhardt. Mr. Tom Crowe & family of Waterloo attended the wedding. The bridal couple left by plane on a honeymoon trip; about 2 weeks. We went to Renneckers tonite, had 4 hand pinochle.
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1933
Washington’s birthday, Frieda Buehler’s, Martha Boll’s birthdays. Freida called this morn, wanted to know if Aunt Mary was here, but they ain’t up here, she has a quilt in the frame, what she got from Mrs. Birkner. The paper is just full of stuff where one man tried to shoot the president elect, but missed him, on account of such a crowd, but he shot the mayor of Chicago, but, he is on the road to recover. Papa took Mr. Ed. Meng to Smithon this morn. Mamie came down awhile to get her hair curled. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then we all went up to the euchre except papa. Rosalia had 11 points & got pair pillow cases. Uncle Fred had 9, got a silver cake or bread plate. The beautiful quilt was won by Louisa Braun, the spread Dr. Isselhardt of Belleville, & Infant set, Harold Eichenseer & a pair pillow cases, for attendance prize by Mrs. Fred Riselmier of Red Bud, such a crowd from all over, Red Bud, Evansville, Paderborn, 44 tables, 34 euchre & 10 pinochle. Adm. 25¢. Huber & Jonny McDermott was also at the euchre. There where so many prizes, lot of 7! got a prize, 100 prizes; a cake with Washington as a prize, Paul Parker won it, & all other kind of prizes.
Thursday, April 7, 1932
It rained this morning & turned colder. Papa took 24 doz. eggs to the store & got 9¢, this afternoon he went out to Henry’s & got a load of posts. Roy Stauenfbiel was here & looked at our colts & pigs, but thought it was to much money for him to buy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up again this afternoon. He helped papa set posts, they where here for lunch, supper. He also brought the check here what Fr. Grootens gave him $20 or $19.23 for he paid Anna Brauns tax, papa had paid it for his house here in town, so now he paid her tax & Uncle Fred had to return the tax receipt. This evening we all went over to Uncle Fred house accross [sic] the street & had a card game, they invited Hy. Armstutz & H.M. Hill, so they played 6 handed. Hy. had one time 1500 trump, & Papa & Uncle Fred bot had it the same time one 1500 spades & the other 1500 hearts, the bid was 2295, Uncle Fred got it, & made it too, they stayed in Hecker all night.
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