Went to mass. Henry & family were up for dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon & also Josie Keller & friends & landlords, 3 folks that live upstairs; took eggs & chickens along; she was operated on while back. Fr. Flanagans Boys Town picture is now being on at Lincoln.
Thursday, Nov. 10, 1938
Today is big celebration at church, solemn Pontifical High Mass; 100 yr. church; will be tomorrow but was celebrated today, by Bischoff [sic – Bishop] & 50 priests, had dinner in school hall; for priests & cooks; church was filled. Bert [Bertille] went to mass. Uncle Fred stopped he went to Red Bud, Louis Dehn got 2 doz. eggs 26 [cents]. Papenbergs got an awful lot of wedding presents. musci [sic] furnished by Keim, Rehling & B. Schilling. Canning was here wanted to know were [sic] Uncle Fred lives.
Sunday, Nov. 6, 1938
Went to Red Bud, mass was longer from 7:30 till 9:00. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, pap went along to Donahue’s, turkey supper, & shooting match; they also went to Phil Mueths shooting match, but didn’t win nothing; Clarence Pabst of Belleville was granted a divorce, Sat. from his wife nee -Irene Voges. Geo. Wihelms. Mrs. Mertz brother died in Belleville hospital of pneumonia. Raining this eve.; a little.
Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1938
All Souls Day. Went to Red Bud had no mass till 8 o clock; went down for 6 was none, so went to Waterloo – high mass. Stopped at Henry’s & Shields. Geo. Schilling going to saw wood tomorrow for us. Shields is also going to help. Went to Leo’s this afternoon he is going to help & Uncle Fred. They are helping down at Chri. Buehlers today, papering I guess. etc. Henry Bruins have a baby girl born Sun. morn. Uncle & Aunt stopped in.
Tuesday, November 1, 1938
Went to 6 ‘ o clock mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up awhile, went home to go to Belleville. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon & took Bert [Bertille] along to Paderborn church, services & procession out to cemetery. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were down this eve.; played cards. Republican Speaking at Kammler’s tonite. J. Schmidt speaker. Nobody of here went.
Monday, Oct. 31, 1938
Halloween. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Pap went to Red Bud got Chev. fixed, prestove put in, cover on radiator. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church. Emil came over, to pay U. [Uncle] Freds rent [? – unclear]. Pap went to Staufenbiel woods. There were a few out walking in town tonite, children no damage.
Sunday, Oct. 30, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. We went driving around this afternoon. Went to Walter Matzenbachers & Ruth Hoffmann’s wedding dance at Brezzy [Breezy] Hill tonite. Emil Geodelle & girlfriend Mabel Crook were attendants, bride wore white lace dress & maid pink, & such a large crowd. Schumacher’s Och. [Orchestra] 3 pc. [piece].
Sunday, Oct. 23, 1938
Went to mass. Mission, had only 1 collection today, for missions. Went out to Uncle Fred’s had dinner & supper there. Leo & family were there all day to. Awful cold tonite, going freeze.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 1938
Pap got crushing done. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were also in. Much colder tonite, radio says frost. Had chicken pie for dinner today. Radio is fine tonite very good. Ralph Etting & Marlene Boll came this eve. Etting on business.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 1938
Bert [Bertille] went out to Henry’s helped her [Leona] house clean, 2 rooms. Henry & Billy [Willis] brought load corn up here. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here, she went up to school house for meeting, making plans for centennial mass to be. Kenneth Kemp was here, looking for Emil. He isn’t at home tonite.
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