Monday, June 12, 1939

Raining all day. Bert [Bertille] washed [unclear] is in tubs. Mauff stopped in, got a 10 [cents] oranges. Frischkorn working on his threshing outfit over at Renneckers; today. Cold have fire in range; yesterday & today. Hail places on Sat. We received a copy of Jubliee [sic] Edition of Messenger; yesterday.

Sunday, June 11, 1939

Went to mass. Celebrate feast of Corpus Christi. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile; her & Bert [Bertille] went to Minnie Staufenbiels to get her dress, its all finished now. Leo & family came for dinner, he went to church here. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon, getting his new V.8 Ford this week. coach, greenish gray; from Favre at Smithton. Ed. Helfrich & Leona Horescher were published at Paderborn. The Hecker Ladies Aid have there Cold Supper & pinic [sic] today at church grounds, pretty cool for pinic [sic], having a 4H Club band from around Waterloo. The 4 Happy Ramblers are having a dance at Kammler’s tonite. Awful cool.

Monday, June 5, 1939

Went to Red Bud funeral low mass at 10 ‘oclock for Mrs. Emil Schilling from St. Louis & buried at Red Bud cemetery; she died Sat. at Missouri Baptist Hospital over 3 weeks illness of pneunomia [sic], looked beautiful, dressed in pink. Her sisters helped carry, also were all lady pallbearers. She became Catholic when they were married; nee Mabel Hancock. quite a few attended the funeral, relatives & friends from here. Today is election, voting for judges. Pap voted. We went to Leo’s got hog. Lumber man here wanted timber, also a deaf & mute man here selling shoe laces. We took pr 5 [cents]. Henry Kettlers sister at Belleville Mrs. Berthold got buried this morn. also. Eggs still 12 [cents] yet; both stores.

Sunday, June 4, 1939

Went to mass. Leo & family came, Rose [Rosalia] & Marita went along with us to Uncle Freds, Leo went to last mass here, we had dinner & supper there. Bill [Klein] came in afternoon, we played ball & croquet. The Firemen’s have a dance tonite; at Maniers. Musci [sic] by Happy Ramblers. Country Club have opening also.

Saturday, June 3, 1939

Priests are being Ordained at Cathedral this morn. Cloudy again this morn. Bert [Bertille] washed car. Pap went to Fiedlers farm sale at Burksville. It rained nearly all over yesterday but here, heavy rain out at creek.

Sunday, May 28, 1939

Penetcost [sic]. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Leo & family & Bill [Klein] came this afternoon had supper. Totsch’s have fish fry & dance tonite. Hecker Public School kids had there pinic [sic] at Fort Chartres today, rained a little this afternoon.

Thursday, May 18, 1939

Ascension Day Holiday! Went to 6 o’clock mass. We didn’t go to confirmation at 10: 30 this morn. Bill [Klein] came, & we all went to St. Louis to J. [Josie] Kellers this afternoon left here at 1:30, got there at 3 oclock; she was ironing, we had supper there, left over there at 6 o’clock, got home 7:15. rained little this eve. thundered. Buettner is being buried this afternoon, private.

Tuesday, May 16, 1939

Cool this morn. Chicks still dying 18 this morn. Bert [Bertille] cleaned basement & scrubbed it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, working garden. Eggs 13 [cents]. Buettner was found dead at or near Douglas this morn, he shot himself in his car; was there since Mon. paper says; had 2 notes written, one to Mrs. Grosse & other lady at Belleville. Chas. Mehrmann of Belleville had a stroke & died suddenly yesterday eve. after work; his wife died 5 weeks ago from tooth extraction, he will be buried Thurs. morn. at 10:30 he turned Catholic when he married Becherer.

Sunday, May 14, 1939

Went to mass. Had solemn communion, 10 children. Bert [Bertille] got her haircut. Leo & family came this afternoon, also Bill [Klein] all had supper here, we took pictures. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for free dance at Kammler’s tonite, musci [sic] by Happy Ramblers 2 – had large crowd. Totsch’s also had fish fry & free dance.

Saturday, May 13, 1939

Jansen & Nobbe brought the new grass mower out & papa went along took it to Leo’s. $96.80 in trade for his old one, brought that here, pap bought from Leo $21.80. Went to Belleville this afternoon, to church & shopping – pap got new hat, Bert [Bertille] got white shoes. Nice day rain last nite.