Went to mass. Leo & family came for dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bill [Klein] came this afternoon had supper, we went fishing Bill caught one Uncle ate it for supper. Emil came this eve. We had collection 2nd in church today for German Refugees; according to Bishof [sic] laws. John Wiegand, nee Kleber have a baby boy since Tues.
Sunday, Dec. 18, 1938
Went to mass. Fr. Simon had it, sermon after mass for married people only. Seen in paper Leo Cortner is in hospital at Belleville. Eugene Neff was just dismissed, he got hurt, when working with carpenters at remodeling St. Mary’s Church. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up stayed for chicken soup dinner; we played cards this afternoon; got ready to butcher, set kettles & put water in etc. Mr. Klein & Ignatz & Frank Birkner stopped in & took Uncle Fred along this morn. down to Red Bud, to see the straw baler guy, they weren’t pd yet for there bails; but he paid up right away, no trouble.
Thursday, Sept. 8, 1938
Awful hot day; no breeze. Washed, ironed. It rained yesterday at New Athens & Marrissa. but not here. Leo & family came this eve. took tomatoes along green & ripe ones. Levi Gregson, Emil & Noel & Agnes are all out at Clevelands’ tonite eating watermelons. Levi took bucket ripe tomatoes along home. They have devotion for 3 nites here starting tonite till Sat. eve at tridium for happenings at London which is going to take place soon.
Sunday, Jan. 30, 1938
Went to mass. Rained heavy last nite, getting colder today, & windy. Bert [Bertille] went to Joe Wacthels this afternoon & Levi & Clara Gregson were here; was by Emil, but he was at Blackburn’s; came over here awhile. Leo & Rose [Rosalia], Jake & Mr. Orlet were here this eve, Jake brought his dad here, & he went along out to Lea’s. Mrs. Orlet is coming home from hospital tomorrow. Pretty cold at 9 o clock was 14 [degrees].
Sunday, Dec. 12, 1937
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had dinner here played cards. 4 games. Emil’s birthday. Gregsons were all by him. Tonite is Solemn closing of Mission, & the begining [sic] at Paderborn. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came, went along with us to closing of Mission, but boy! what a nite, raining & slick, coming home going down Round Prairie Hill, our car turned around 2 times around boy it sure was awful, but turned out alright, they didn’t have the cinders put on there yet; but were just at it.
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