Mr. Kelley is being buried this morn., from the home of his daughter Mrs. Hess; he had a stroke. Mr. Hess is also in Red Bud Hospital, was operated on appendix; is pretty bad. Mrs. Getrude Irosi of Chester is getting operated for tumor at the Red Bud hospital this morning, Frank McDermott’s daughter. Johny McDermott is employed at Ill. Security’s Hospital at Chester. Roy Schmidt is sporting a new Ford V8 truck, the paper says. A. H. Breuggmann had a little baby girl; born St. Mary Hospital Thurs. evening Jan. 10. Mr. Ed. Rickert is census taker man in Prarire [sic] Du Long & New Design Precinct. The Waterloo CCC Camps will have all different classes; Nobbe’s Garage is giving free a place to study & work, auto Mechanics, Robinette giving musci [sic] lessons, Jerome Vogt teacher of agriculture & surveyoring. A man around advertising portraits; draw & if you win certain certificate, you can have a picture painted with the cost of $10. Berti drew the right one, but we had nothing done, sent him of, only some scheme work. A lady around selling home made chairs at 50¢ a piece. Rosie & Berti went to Red Bud got sack laying mash from Zipfel. Raining this evening, nasty. Aaron Papfenberg has purchase a car. Eggs are 26¢.
Friday, June 29, 1934
Papa went out to Henry’s, the billy horse died before they got home last night, Rendering Works, got him this morning. Papa shocked up the oats bundles that were down. We cut lawn, cleaned & scrubbed basement. Gus Frisch got cistern water here to drink; working on the road. It rained this afternoon a little, but not enough to stop threshing around here, but other places had to quit. The paper has that Mr. Emil Kopp & Miss Florence Nelson were married quitely [sic] at Granite City Ill. on last Wed. June 20, they had no attendants at the ceremony. The groom is the son of George Kopp who reside east of Waterloo, he is employed in St. Louis for some time, were they will make there home, she is from St. Louis. He is also a muscian [sic], member of the Waterloo Municipal Band & saxophone player in the Moonlighters Dance Orchestra. Mr. Kenneth Henerfourth & Virginia Kumke eloped to Chester Mon. night June 25, were married by Justice of Peace. The groom is a son of George Henerfourth of Maeystown and had been spending a 30 day furlough here from the U.S. Navy. He is stationed on the S.S. Tennesee. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Orlinda Kumke of Waterloo & Herman Oldendorph is now employed with Becker’s Mill of Red Bud & has charge of the Burksville Station Elevator which they recently purchased from the Monroe Milling Co, they began buying wheat & at this old landmark Wed. & will have flour, bran, & shorts on hand for patrons. There was a accident in Hecker, by Eichenseer store, a Chev. coach & St. Louis Dairy truck, the car had the fender & hub damage, but nothing seemed serious had a argument.
Friday, April 13, 1934
Mr. Ziebold, retired miller was buried at Waterloo yesterday, awful large funeral, business places were all closed. Papa hauled posts, helped Henry this afternoon to cut some logs & haul. Cleveland helped too. Berti washed Chev. Seeley worked in garden. Our baby chicks didn’t come yet. Mr. Walter Lehr brought them this evening 209 chicks @ 7½. $15.50, all. The new Hospital in Chester which has been remodeled will now be called Riverview Hospital. Mr. Martin May has sold property to Charles & Anna Hasnedle – twp. 4-9-$1500.00. The primary election turned out with the winners Chas. Wehmeier. Dem. Co. Judge & Reb. Judge Scheinder; For Sup. of Schools; Zimmer had 26 votes & Wm. Weigand received 1 vote but wasn’t running; several others ran for Supt. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gruber of Waterloo moved to the farm of Mrs. All. Gregson. Cyrus Hill & family moved to Waynesville Mo. where he has gained a position. Mrs. Steiger, Lena Birkners great grandma died this eve. about 6 o clock, will be buried Sun. afternoon 1 o clock at “Lords Corner;” she would of been 100 yrs. old in May, she was blind & couldn’t hear for a good while.
Saturday, June 24, 1933
Papa got crushing done this morn. Osie Neff was telling him that Bruns are all sick but one, got tyhoid [sic – thyphoid] fever. Roy Gregson of Red Bud had his machine stolen. George Schilling is going to start in threshing Mon, if it don’t rain. There is a big street dance in Chester, Ill. tonite. Miss Frances Schilling is taking her habit today & in two years [words crossed out]; Odillo Eichenseer has to take Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schilling there going to leave today. Misses Martha Schilling & Helen Kectriz left yesterday also for Indiana to take in the performance. Fr. Aydt, is going today to, to be there for tomorrow, & then go to the Worlds Fair; George Wagner & family came over this evening. A lady got 5 doz. eggs 8½¢ & selling fruit jars & bonnets.
Sunday, Oct. 2, 1932
Perry May has shooting match today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile after church. Louis Armstutz & Elmer Rettinghouse came here to look at our cow. This afternoon we & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left about 1 o clock went to Red Bud, Ruma, Evansville, Ellis Grove, Springdale Park, Chester, drove to the Southern Illinois Penitrary [sic], but couldn’t go through it, only the restroom, see ferns & furs & such like, everything is so nice there. Papa was talking to Snitz Nollau. Then we went to what they call a Menard, where there are about 400 criminals there, walked up 165 steps & down again, to see them, they where out taking exercise & sun baths, seen there laundry, & there yards where the prisoners work; all the rocks got ready to crush; it sure is a beautiful scene. The Miss. River so close, especially went [sic-when] you are so high up you can see the river such a far distance, then we drove up around the river up the big hill, then back into Chester again, then back home, it was sure a nice drive we covered about 70 miles was home again 5 o clock. We had supper at Uncle Freds. Henry & family came up we all went over by Aunt Marys, across the street. There is rosary devotion at Red Bud, but we couldn’t go, Henry was up they took a 3 gal. crock of bacon along home 38 lb. with crock. There was a bunch 19 from Hecker went over to Walter Deffabaugh in St. Louis on a visit in Clarence Wittenauers truck.
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1932
The groundhog didn’t see his shadow today so we have spring weather. We went to Red Bud to Hellmers funeral this morn. George Wagner came over when we came home & told us Leona was ringing for us. Steve was over this afternoon awhile. Henry brought a load of corn up & took his oats along home. The Ellis Grove Bank was turned over to Chester last Sat. Steve was here again this eve. we played pinochle. Leslie Siebert the Eddleman Bread driver this morn. tried to fire the furnace at his home with gasoline & he caught on fire, his hands, & clothing where burned severely.
Wednesday, August 19, 1931
Today is washing, iron & patch day. There was a truck through here from Chester selling peaches, 80¢ bu. picked over. Mr. Harbough the Moorman’s Mineral Agent was here this afternoon. It started raining again.
Sunday, April 26, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where all here for dinner. Philip & Bill where here for lunch. In the evening they came back & we went down to the Brick House, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went there too. Bill Herzog furnished musci, [sic] they had a pretty fair crowd. They charged the gents 25¢ ladies free. The Red Bud Dramitic [sic] Club came to Hecker to the new school hall & gave a play to-night. There was a terrible accident in Hecker, this evening, there was a car came from the west & didn’t make no stop, & Eugene Bruns was going by & then smashed together, nobody was hurt but the cars where both damaged. The stranger car was a man from Belleville & one from Chester, they where intoxicated. The Sheriff was called & he arrested them took them to Waterloo to jail & the way they said they would have to pay $100 fined & 10 day in jail. I don’t know who is right, we heard now again that the boy’s where uncosinence [unconscious].
Sunday, March 15, 1931
Leona came up for first mass this morning & Henry for later. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry were here for dinner. Henry helped us test our eggs this afternoon, out of 101, we had to throw 17 out. This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s for supper, we had beef roast. Then Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back up here again. Aunt Mary & Bertille went to church. Mr. Philip Freund & Rosalia & Frank Kruse & Elizabeth Freund went down to Chester.
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