Monday, July 20, 1936

We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & pap went to Waterloo, made a trade with Nobbe, his 1934 chev; & $195. for a 1936 Chev. coupe, will get it by next week; They had dinner, here chicken. Pap went out to help Henry plowing, he got stuck with the tractor this afternoon; from there he went to G. Schillings paid lumber sawing, $7.30 – 815 ft @ 90. Jac. Erle came, we paid him $19.60 Ins. now we are house insured in there co. not with Rapp anymore. Watchels & Lauts put there electric wires up again; today.

Saturday, July 18, 1936

Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s got feed for crushing. A lady here wanted to know were [sic] Clarence Braun lives. Mr. Hoffmann Chev. dealer was out at Uncle Fred’s then came here, so far they haven’t made no bargain. Papa went out to see Uncle about it. This afternoon he went to Waterloo then to a Mueller sale by Foster Pond. It is pretty warm again today. Mr. Jake Friedrich of near Waterloo had a sun stroke Thurs; & isn’t well yet. There was an awful hail storm, west from here, one of Henry’s corn field is striped [sic], lying all ways they say, looks awful; worse yet closer by Waterloo. There is a free dance at Floraville at Keim’s tonite.

Saturday, May 16, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here, we had beef soup, him & Rose went to Waterloo with all of the wheat from out there, got 78¢. Henry & family stopped in, took Floyd to hospital, got his hand re bandaged. Boys stayed here. Emil & Bert Thompson called on pap this afternoon, we opened the davenette & he sleeps, or rests on there during day. We baked lemon pie this afternoon. Eggs 18¢. Mrs. Joe Watchel & Clara Wagner got permanents at Belleville yesterday. The bill at the hospital for 10 das. [days] including room & board, washing (operating room $8.00), & surgical dressings. Lab ex. medicine $53.75. John Hepp came on business. The Chev. Dealer of New Athens, called again to; so far nothing yet; making trades for Uncle Fred’s car.

Thursday, April 23, 1936

Henry came this afternoon, Rose went along in to Belleville to stay over nite, they have to leave Floyd in there a couple of days, took 1 finger of [sic – off], & sewed the others together; left hand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he hauled rocks, she stayed here & went to Minnie also. Al. Cleveland got 82 lb. corn for seed. Pap went to Windell Rahn West of Red Bud to his sale; didn’t buy anything. Adam Braun’s have a 2 hand [ed – second hand] car chev, 1932, marron [sic].

Friday, March 27, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner & supper, he helped pap in the woods all day, made a lace dress for Aunt Mary & Rose made smocking on one of them. Frantz baker man has a new delivery wagon. Frost & Hy Widel, Shloemer Ford Dealers was here tonite trying to sell a used Ford 1936, 5,000 miles for $575. & our Chev., allows $75; for ours.

Saturday, Dec. 28, 1935

Pap took chev. to Probsts, & oil pump isn’t working, & he hasn’t any new ones there at present, so will have to wait till Tues; but he got it a going again this afternoon. George Wagner’s are butchering, got it from Gus. Klotz. Hy. Armstutz is doing the work. Beautiful morning snowed all nite, everybody is busy sweeping sidewalks this morn. Henry stopped in, he got crushing done this afternoon. Charles brought the mail. Monroe Feruer came papa had to sign Pabsts contracts papers.

Saturday, Dec. 21, 1935

Pap got crushing done. Mr. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk for 5¢. Mr. Kettler of Paderborn was here, looked at the mare, pap went to see his this afternoon, also went to Knab’s. Henry & Leona went to Belleville left the boys here they went skating on the pond. Pap took chev. to Probst’s got a new battery put in $7.00 & fan belt put on 65¢.

Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935

Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.

Friday, Nov. 29, 1935

Cleaned hen house. Rose got the papers, ordered the license $18.78 this year. Whip was the same price $12.00 but chev. is only $6.50. We went to Ruma to Myerscoughs & Tiptown to Colemans, & Dugan’s to see about pigs. Mr. Mehrman got the eggs 31¢. Miss Lena Geodelle of Waterloo, Henry Geodelle’s daughter is at St. Marys Hospital for treatments. Dorthy Myerscough is attending Normal College; at Normal, Ill; is home for holidays. Florence goes to High School at Red Bud; Margret is still at the convent, & can’t come home for 2 years.

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1935

Papa went up in the woods. Cloudy & smoky weather. Wedding Bells are ringing today at Paderborn for Chas. Daugherty of Mo. & Elvira Haudrich; we went up to the dance, & my what a crowd, she got lot presents, we gave her a dresser scarf; Skaers played for the dance; she wore white satin dress, & all white also veil; her bridesmaids were, Annie Karban & Lorreta Haudrich, dark wine velvet dresses, with hats; & Elmer Karban & Daugherty best men; all dark blue suits; ushers Cryil [sic – Cyril] Haudrich & guy; she was given at the altar by her father. Rosalia went quilting by Geo. Wagners; sunburst quilt. Bernice came & told her, to come over, Pap took chev. to Probst’s got it greased, brakes tightened, 30029 mile. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Katzler of St. Louis have a baby boy born last Fri. Louisa Braun is working there now. Ed Brand is here came this afternoon to Uncle Adam’s.