Beautiful day. Cleaned chicken house & closed the young pullets in, & starting feed laying mash. Pap took trip out on business. Bert [Bertille] helped Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary paper. Emil came also. Rob. Laut brought 3 bus. our share; pretty nice ones. Wm. Ganley came pd. Int. etc. he had shooting match Sun. fairly attended.
Tuesday, July 6, 1937
Baked cookies, cake; cleaned chicken house took onions out; canned 2 qts beets. Everybody starts threshing this afternoon, all outfits. Went to Leo’s this afternoon helped bake cake & pie shells for threshing tomorrow. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came. Leo & Rose came after truck to get more coal left car here; takes so much coal this year.
Thursday, May 20, 1937
We paint chicken house etc. Pierre got milk. We planted 53 cabbage plants. Oscar Birkner have 18 mons. Muriel’s picture taken at Belleville Studio it is in the paper, also Jerome Cortner’s girl’s picture to be 2 yrs old in Aug. 31. Gypsy Joe sang a song for Lorraine Cortner by Ray Neff.
Tuesday, March 23, 1937
Went to Belleville took 2 hogs in weighed 420 lbs. @ $10.25. We cleaned chicken house, got oats over, etc., cleaned – polished car. Hildegard came & invited me to come to quilting; Burckhardt & man was here looking at the horses. Bert went to Joe Wacthel’s quilting a star quilt. Clara Wagner was there also for a little while; but that was all. Awful windy today.
Monday, February 1, 1937
Bert washed, ironed; We cleaned chicken house. Wm. Ganley & Jack was here on business. Pretty cold, 10 above on radio, the sun shined nice this afternoon; cloudy tonite.
Tuesday, December 1, 1936
We washed, ironed; took turnips out, cleaned chicken house, took screens of, real busy day. Uncle Adam is butchering today.
Thursday, March 12, 1936
Cold wind; Bernice brought the mail. We painted the screen window frames, in basement, all for downstairs so far, all finished; this afternoon cleaned chicken houses, put in clean straw. We get 5½ doz. eggs; now & there only 16¢ today. The radio batteries is about done can’t hear nothing, papa didn’t go out to Henry’s today, to windy to sew oats.
Thursday, July 18, 1935
Cleaned chicken houses, painting. Uncle Fred was up in Hecker getting things for Oscar’s threshing, & came here & got our sledge hammer. Meng’s threshing this morning, moved in last night. Cloudy & light sprinkle this evening; but all cleared off again.
Monday, March 25, 1935
It is real blue & cloudy in the north, & Boy! did it rain this afternoon & hail, awful weather. We cleaned chick house, set up the brooder stove, made fire in it. Chas Helfrich looked at the hay in the barn, he thought he will take 2 loads. Rob. Laut got sack hay for his rabbits again. Eggs are still 17¢. Leona was by Mrs. Staufbiel, tried on her spring coat, that she is making for her.
Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1935
Cleaned chicken house. Papa went to Red Bud to see Mr. Bergdorf, to see our heifer. Mr. Streck was here to see it Mon. evening, he offered $22.00. Henry said Fr. Aydt & Ed Parker, where here to see us Mon, we were at Belleville, they came out there thought we were butchering out there, they wouldn’t go in the house. Papa went to Waterloo, this afternoon. Berti went up to the Dentist he couldn’t finish it yet, forgot the filling again. The paper comes with the mail carrier every day, instead in the evening, the news gets old; paper says “Colton R feischneider,” of Belleville was critically injured & in St. Mary’s Hospital, auto mobile accident. We went to Geo. Wagners this evening, played cards, Pap & Rose, & Clara & Bert won 5 games; won every game; some hot playing. It also was Clara’s birthday; cookies, apples, root beer were served. We received a card from the Post office in St. Louis, stating there was a letter there & not enough postage on, required 1½ & so we sent it over, what it is, or where its from, we do not know yet.
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