Put in tree & cleaned etc. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Marita came, brought load corn; we cleaned out basement. Received Christmas greeting from Becker of Red Bud. picture & envelope from Fr. Spors. Cloudy, looks like rain.
Thursday, Dec. 21, 1939
Shortest day. Winter begins. Went to Waterloo. Bert [Bertille] got permanent at Colonial Beauty Shop $3.00. Pap bought new radio from Bersche, gave $3.00 for our old radio, trade in on push button zenith stub $15.00. We got Christmas cards from Mr & Mrs Geo. Shecan [?] Emil Schilling & Josie Keller. Awful cold to be 20 tonite. Bill [Klein] came got Bert went to Belleville to Lincoln Theatre to see Jones Family in “Busy to Work,” giving a Ford V8 away.
Friday, Dec. 23, 1938
Still cloudy. We got Christmas cards from Fr. Orlet, Josie Keller, Irene Helfrich, Gusta Dudenhoeffer. Shelled popcorn, cleaned etc. Christmas Program at Blackburn School this afternoon, couldn’t go to much mud & Hecker School has there to nite. Everybody welcome.
Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1937
Send cards, etc. Beautiful day. Decorated etc. scrubbed front porch. Arlene Klotz is sick in bed with cold as Renneckers, quite few people have measles they say at Red Bed & Mayben Picketts school will be closed, on that account. The Catholic school children have there program & Santa Claus tonite. There is no school Picketss girls have the measles at present.
Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1937
Washed, ironed. Received Christmas card from Josie & letter from Fr. Aydt; for donations. Nice day, windy. Henry & family came brought tree up. Leona got 2 lb. honey from Renneckers, for piner syrup. Bert [Bertille] went along over there.
Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1936
Cleaned 2 ducks, fixed Christmas tree electric lights. Mauff vegtable [sic] man was here, we didn’t buy anything, pap went up town, got oranges, nuts. Rose got Christmas cards from Irene Helfrich. Bert got 1 from Omer. Pap tried his luck on box candy 10¢ & fruit cake .02. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s got load oats. Beautiful day.
Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1936
We washed, cleaned basement, fried in meat etc. Bert got mailed Christmas cards from J. Keller, Fr. Stern, First National Bank at Waterloo. Berti got a punch for a 5 lb. box candy by Mertz paid .03. Name Dorthy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here, then went to the school children’s play in School Hall.
Monday, Dec. 23, 1935
We washed, ironed. Santa brought the Christmas tree, & decorated it. Papa went to town mailed the Christmas cards. Mr. Burdorf & son butcher of Red Bud was here & bought our Jersey Heifer $40.00, papa also sent him out to Henry’s, but he didn’t sell to him. We got card from Josie, saying she will be out on the 26th in the morning. Wm. Ganley came on business; this afternoon.
Thursday, Dec. 21, 1933
Papa went out in the woods, this morn & afternoon. We ironed, & patched, got things ready for Christmas. Bill was at Henry’s today, killing sheep, I guess. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] here on there way down to Chris Buehlers at Red Bud. Bertille mailed Christmas cards & then went to Eliza Boll’s on business. Eggs are 15¢ at Eichenseers today. The Catholic School children are having a little program, this evening to surprise Fr. Aydt on his 1st Anniversary here, the parishoners [sic] should also attend. The way it reads in the paper, Eugene Bruns & Adale Weber must be married, cause it say Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bruns, attended a birthday party at Millstadt.
Friday, Dec. 23, 1932
We finished our quilt with the border & scallops. It is awful ugly out, windy, rainy. Bertille got the mail, got a Christmas greeting from Mr. & Mrs. Sig. Dudenhoeffer.
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