Took Chas. Helfrich’s along to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie where here for dinner & supper, & midnight lunch. Levi Gregson came & paid for his hogs, 239 lbs. & 236 lbs. @ $3.65. Henry & family where up this afternoon, had supper, played some cards all day & nite till 12′ o clock. Mr. Ed Meng was here to see Uncle Fred. They say Fr. Aydt read of the report this morn, $11,000 debts. The Young people of Red Bud are going to have Bible class, every first Thurs. evening of the mo. It rained a little. Mr. Clarence Mohears & girl of Renault, are getting married wedding dance at Oak Grove.
Sunday, Jan. 21, 1934
Filed Under: 1934, January Tagged With: Aunt Mary, Aydt, Bible_class, card_games, church, church_debts, Floyd, Gregson, Helfrich, Henry, hogs, Keller, Leona, marriage, Meng, Mohears, Oak_Grove, Red_Bud, Renault, Robert, St._Augustine_Church, Uncle Fred, wedding, Willis, Young_people_of_Red_Bud
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