Ascension Day Holiday! Went to 6 o’clock mass. We didn’t go to confirmation at 10: 30 this morn. Bill [Klein] came, & we all went to St. Louis to J. [Josie] Kellers this afternoon left here at 1:30, got there at 3 oclock; she was ironing, we had supper there, left over there at 6 o’clock, got home 7:15. rained little this eve. thundered. Buettner is being buried this afternoon, private.
Thursday, May 21, 1936
Ascenscion [sic] “Holiday” Went to Red Bud to 6’oclock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came went along to Belleville with us; we got new dresses; pap went to Dr Frein’s office, should come back again next week. Beautiful day. There were a lot of people from Hecker & Paderborn at Belleville today. Fr. Aydt & Dramatic Players, & Mr. & Mrs. Joe Griffin & Pearl, 15 in all went on an outing to Fort Gage & Chester, he furnished dinner eats & drinks beer.
Friday, November 1, 1935
All Saints Day Church Holiday; we went to 6 ‘ oclock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here awhile had breakfasts & lunch. Came this afternoon again, then we went to Waterloo, got papa watch, did a little banking business, then drove out to cemetery to visit Aunt Lizzies grave. Awful cold today, yesterday without coats, & today could have winter coats on. In Montana it is 22 degrees below zero, talk about cold weather. Yesterday & today Farmer’s Institute at Maeystown, we didn’t go. Pautler has it in the paper of my birthday dance Sun; nothing else doing that night. The Hecker married women were out Halloweeners last nite.
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