Billies [Willis] 6 yrs. birthday. Henry was up this morn. Raining this morn. & good shower this afternoon. Church pinics [sic] at Red Bud & Paderborn. We went to Red Bud for supper, Bill [Klein] came down from work at Smithton, & went to Paderborn pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing there. Some of the prizes, set of knives & forks to Ray Neff & quilt to Gert Neff, case beer to Cyril Haudrich, spread, Geo Orlet, gas [? – unclear] to Smithton spread to Jac Schoenborn; flour to Fred Watchels & others.
Tuesday, May 23, 1939
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert [Bertille] went along over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she is going to have a dress made, tan. Mrs. Clem. Parker was also there. We received a letter from Sacred Heart Parish of Dupo, pinic [sic] on May 30. raffling 1st. 1939 Chev. 2nd. Electric Range 3rd. 110 pc. Dinner set. Sure is hot, all these last days.
Tuesday, Aug. 16, 1938
Rained heavy last nite cloudy didn’t wash. Canned 7 qts. peaches. Red Bud Catholic church pinic [sic] today, plate lunch served from 11 till 1:30 for 35 [cents] plate, supper 50. card game in afternoon. Pap went down this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went down for supper; we all ate supper there; wasn’t much till later in evening. None of us received the 41 prizes that were raffled, had no been on ground. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & baby [Marita] came, pap brought them along done [sic – down], to picnic.
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1935
Awful hot. Ironed, patched. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for church pinic [sic], they have to be in winner stand. J. Keller came got eggs, tomatoes; we went up to pinic [sic] this eve. Ray Wittenauer won set dishes. Doval Eichenseer 48 lbs. flour. Alice Hess – 100 sugar, Elmer Haudrich taspestory [sic – tapestry] quilt to Mrs. Burke St. Louis, awful crowd, Smithton band, played musci [sic] . Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & baby [Marita] came this eve; pinic [sic]. Mrs. Merhmann came wanted eggs. Chas. Dougherty (Elvira Haudrich) have twins, Aug. 5. girl & boy; 6 3/4 lbs. each; 1st. set of twin that Dr. Werth & Helwig caught; doing fine now.
Friday, Aug. 5, 1938
Rained a little. Cooking catsup etc. Pap hauling a load rock for drive way. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she helped clean dishes for the pinic [sic] on the 10. next week; he cut lawn here. Mr. Geo. Weinhoff of Waterloo was married to Weilbacher at Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] Miss Elnora – bridesmaid & Milton Weilbacher best man. Wm. Weber & Mary Qurin of Smithton married at St. Therasa [sic – Theresa] at Belleville, priest house, attendanted [sic] by brother & sister. she was formerly at Ruma Convent to be a nun till yr. ago, going to live at Smithton were he runs service Station there. Leo & family got plow share. Received our books from Fr. Spors, there is 41 prizes for 10 [cents] – 3 – 25 [cents]. got 2 books, 1 is filled.
Sunday, July 24, 1938
Hot. Went to first mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Becker Ins. agent came brought policy title back for our car. Henry & family came had supper here. Bill Klein & Bobby & Al, Bertha, Elsie Karban & Marcella Schilling & 2 brothers all came wanted to go to Fort Chartres, but we were getting company so Bill stayed rest left, took his car anyway. When they got to Fort Chartres. Fr. Wishkamp from Paderborn & Buddy Karban & Jerome Haudrich caught them, they all went to Ferry crossed it went to Kaskaskia to church pinic [sic], were Fr. came from; he paid all expenses 10 in all, had supper there; payed $1 a car & 15 [cents] a piece to cross ferry, they all had a wonderful time. We went to Karbans this eve. ate watermelons. Joe Schilling’s threshing run had free beer at Kaburecks to nite & lawn party. Walter Gregsons celebrating 25 yr. silver Wedding inn at Log Cabin tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went. Fr. Spors was there made a speech. Schmidt Orchestra, playing musci [sic]. Renneker’s, Emil were all down. Nic Cortner died Belleville hospital this morn. sometime buried at Hecker.
Sunday, Sept. 19, 1937
Went to Red Bud; Fr. prayed for the sick of the parish. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came had dinner here, brought samples of apple butter, tastes pretty good; they went out to Henry’s this afternoon, get haircut. Floraville have church pinic [sic] & annual home coming today. there is Holy Name Society Rally held at Mascoutah today, for all parishes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came about 3:30 o’clock, Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville pinic [sic], till about 9 came home again, didn’t win nothing raffled 7 quilts, went to Waterloo, Millsdadt [sic], Belleville & St. Louis.
Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1937
Catholic Schools open today. Canning peaches cooking catsup, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed for supper last nite, then we all went to Smithton to Catholic Church pinic [sic]. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville dance, Viola Kaburcek birthday all free. Skaers Orch; nice crowd present. Hy Miller of Lords Corner is being buried at Stehfests cemetery this afternoon, Elsie Spalts husband 41 yrs. old had cancer nothing left to him, didn’t weigh 100 lbs. they said. Pap was at the cemetery; he belonged to Broad Hollow Grange & was a soldier, so they all had there ceremonies at cemetery; awful large funeral. Henry brought load of corn on frame wagon Billy [Willis] also. Levi Feurer stopped in looked at pigs. We went to. Ignatz Neffs got bottles & cans & bought 2 doz. jars 20¢. went to Leo’s got some grapes for wine, took peaches along & peeled & canned 4 qts.
Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1937
Pap & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, he helped load hogs went along to Belleville had 3 – 4% lbs. $10.60, had dinner. Bert helped for pinic [sic]. They have Catholic Church pinic [sic] today chicken supper. We went up this eve. had nice crowd. Bert won $2.45 bluey stand. Skaers, Rheinhardt & Schoenborn furnished music. The prizes were raffled to $10.00 New Baden; 100 lbs. sugar, Louis Schoenborn, Paderborn, quilt – Belleville, Aladin [sic – Aladdin] Lamp to Mrs. Geo. Klein Paderborn, 100 lbs. flour – Schmidt Pete of Waterloo, 17 piece water set, Leister mail carrier Waterloo, 50 lbs. flour Belleville 24 lb. flour Atella [?] Rheinhardt. Bed Spread & pillow slip Belleville.
Tuesday, Aug. 17, 1937
Hy. Armstutz came got 18 chickens, sold them to Mertz here, didn’t ship them this time was enough no coop full. Went to Belleville this morn; dentist wasn’t there gone on vacation. Raining this afternoon, real nice, heavy showers. Went to church pinic [sic] this eve; didn’t win nothing. J. [Josie] Keller was out to; lots city people & many priests, large crowd. Evansville band played. Leo & Rose were down to Fr. Orlet & Raternaun. J. Klinkhardt got $20.00. Zeno Birkner $2. crochet bedspread Grover Dashner, Mrs. Chas. Heff $2. quilt Levi Ganley, quilt Levi Gregson, that I know.
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