Pap went up in woods again took dinner along; Roman Meng was here; wanted to trim up trees along the fence. We went out to Al. Cleveland’s; wanted to take Emil along, but he didn’t want to go this eve; Levi Gregson’s came out there also, Levi, pap & Al. Clara C. Clara Gregson played 5 hand solo. Agnes & Bert [Bertille], Grover listed to radio. Major Bowes. hr. etc; shelled popcorn, had cookies & apples. Nice moonlight & warm nights.
Monday, Nov. 22, 1937
We washed, ironed. Ed. Kreher & Hy. Kettler brought the colt, got ours; 14 degrees again this morn. Nice Sunshine, pap hauled 3 loads woods this afternoon. Clevelands cutting chop today.
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1937
Washed. Pap hauled load wood in basement. Bert [Bertille went to Lauts quilting this afternoon, wedding ring. had lunch there. Pirre was over this morn & told me about it. Boul from Belleville was here, looking for fat hog, ours sold. Emil came over this eve; till Grover Cleveland called him away, him & Albert & Kenneth Kemp came up to have a solo game with him.
Sunday, August 1, 1937
Mrs. Staufenbiel went along to Red Bud mass. Yesterday was 25 Silver Wedding Ann. of Mr & Mrs Alb. Cleveland was announced over the radio, today is Alb. birthday. Fri nite Nic Mueths celebrated there 25 Silver Wedd. Ann. at Log Cabin by Red Bud invitation dance. We went to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. They came up this eve. & Bert [Bertille] went along to church had benediction, tried the organ, it is not finished, were so many keys that never worked but is is wonderful now. Then we went to Paderborn to Totsch’s free dance, & what a crowd, Skaer Orch. The Wedd. anni. of Al. Clevelands went over the radio again this afternoon, german musci [sic], or polish hr; requested by Grover.
Saturday, June 12, 1937
Cut lawn, etc. Pap went to Red Bud took cement back; we went to Belleville this afternoon dentist. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here, cutting lawn etc. Clif Staheleber is 21 yrs. old today, says he is going to get drunk tonite, no matter what it costs, some ideas for 21 yr. old lad. Went out to Geo Schilling’s was going to pay lumber sawing, but he hasn’t got it figured out yet; seen the doll dressed in $1. with $25.00 sure looks beautiful, ribbon band with $1. shoes & hand bag, pleated dress of $1. bills; she got it from Indiana, stopped at Clevelands paid saw sharpening; went looked at oats & berries.
Thursday, June 10, 1937
Rain again last nite & morn; pap is fixing pig shed. Mr. & Mrs. Al. Cleveland stopped brought saw here, went picking cherries. Uncle Fred & A. Mary went to Belleville this morn. There is School pinic [sic] there, foundry men aren’t working. but it is posponed [sic] on account of the weather. Lucinda E. was here, selling chances for quilt to be raffled on 15, when they have open air lawn & card party at School grounds. We got card from Rev. Moorman of Dupo, stating who won, Mr. Harold Bunch, 1112 N. Ninth St. E. St. Louis Ill. check for $700.00 & Miss Joy Levin Dupo Ill, check for $300.00, pretty nice for the ones that received them.
Saturday, June 5, 1937
Nice day. Pap went out to Henry’s, took Cleveland to look at it. Went to Red Bud got cement this afternoon. Maniers have fish fry tonite. Rain this morning. Stoeckel painter of Waterloo was here going to pain our house in a couple weeks, going to plaster Henry’s house Mon. takes 25¢ hr. Picked pan of peas for tomorrow, dinner. Egg 15¢ at Eichenseers.
Monday, Nov. 30, 1936
Pretty cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary going to saw wood today; got 24 loads; starting 7:20 this morn. Krebs saw, & O. Birkner, Henry, pap & himself; had dinner, took till about 3 o’clock when finished. Burdgorf of Red Bud got the heifer $210 & 3 lbs. good beef, get it when you want it. Eggs 31¢. Got calandar [sic] from Techny Ill. Al. Cleveland’s family were here played 6 hand pinochle game.
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here, we sawed wood up in the field this afternoon. Geo. Schilling sawed, & J. Mueth, Walter Braun, Ed. Mueth, Al. Cleveland, Henry, Uncle & pap. We went to the euchre at School hall, didn’t win a thing, played 10 games, had cake walk after. We had 2 chickens for dinner.
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