It is awful warm, snows nearly all melted. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stop in on there way to Red Bud, went to Dr. & Christ Buehler’s, it is his birthday. Eichenseers tried to haul a load coal in & got stuck, took it back, & put it in there shed, couldn’t get in here. Papa left this morning went in the woods, hauled out 2 logs this afternoon, the road got muddy; pap took the sleigh & mule up. We washed, dinning [sic] room & kitchen curtains. Eggs are 13¢ at Eichenseers. Hill has a piece in the paper, about Vic Braun tallest man in town, 19 yrs. old, 285 lbs. nearly 6 ft. tall.
Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1934
Bertille baked oatmeal cookies, Rose made gloves. Papa went up town; ordered load coal, Eichenseer’s to haul it tomorrow. Rosie took 8 doz. eggs to Mertz got 13 ½¢ got cheese Talbot’s. Chas. Morrison aged 82 yrs. died Sun, afternoon, & buried Tues. afternoon from Wagner’s Parlor, to cemetery.
Friday, September 1, 1933
Rosalia & Bert went out washing at Henry’s, had dinner there; also picked & canned plums for her. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary brought peaches, they helped to peel them & stayed for supper, we canned 4 qts. Papa out at Christ Buehler’s paid for coal, & hauling charges 5¢.
Thursday, Aug. 31, 1933
Clem Parker was here, he is hauling our coal in working for Chris Buehler’s; he had dinner here, he hauled 3 loads, 177½ bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came brought some more plums, we cooked preserves canned 2 qts. Uncle called Johnson Rendering works to come out & get the lay mare, she lays around can’t get up any more. Jung stopped in for old hens. We went out to Uncle Freds, took watermelons along.
Monday, Oct. 10, 1932
We didn’t wash, it is rainning [sic] a little this morn, & is awful cloudy. Mr. Hill was here to gather news this morning. Rosalia sewed a jumper. Bertille went over to Renneckers & got the paper. We took the cream & 41 lbs. hens to Eichenseers this evening. Papa paid Frances Eichenseer for 100 bus. coal $13.00 today.
Thursday, Oct. 6, 1932
Francis Eichenseer was here & looked if he should get here with his truck, he is going to bring a load afterwhile. Papa is going to Waterloo & to Ed. Rehlings to see the building of a straw hen house, he said there were a good many people there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, Rosalia & Bertille had lunch over there. We picked 2 sacks full green tomatoes & they took them along for Ronnerberg. Odillo & Wilfred onloaded the coal, 100 bus. $13.00. Mrs. Kock is having a birthday celebration tonight at Coxeyville, we didn’t go, we had an invitation & it was also in the paper.
Friday, Sept. 25, 1931
We canned 7 qts. tomatoes & cooked catsup. Papa hauled 2 loads of coal, this afternoon it rained. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. There where people around selling tomatoes $1. bu. Henry & family where up awhile this eve. from here they went to Uncle Fred’s. Papa got a letter an invitiation, [sic] we all & Aunt Mary should come up & see Fr. Grooten’s tonight, but we won’t go. We gave Leona a basket ful to take along, the yellow ones, she is going to cook catsup from them.
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1931
Papa went to Waterloo this morning. He brought a 1 doz. fruit jars along, so far we bought 2 dozens. This afternoon he hauled 2 loads of coal. Leona & kids came up after the oil this afternoon. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s this evening, but she was at Oscar Birkner’s, peeling apples for apple butter tomorrow. Papa went up to Griffins this morning & paid our pew rent $27.00 to Joe, he can give it to the priest. Clarence Wagner started school in Hecker today again, he got homesick at Red Bud, he went there a 1 week, & this week they had to bring him back up here again, he wouldn’t eat no more down there.
Thursday, Sept. 17, 1931
Papa is hauling the fresh coal in the basement for this year. He hauled 2 loads this morning. Henry was here this afternoon, he was talking about getting his hogs vacinated [sic], Alf. Geodelle, Joe Schilling have there. There are getting them vacinated [sic] all over. Papa went over by Steve Rennecker’s awhile. There was a gent here selling Oriental Rugs. It is awful hot these days. Odillo Eichenseer & 2 of his friends from St. Louis left last Friday, for Chicago, he covered a distance of 900 miles with his new car. They took a 40 miles ride on the lake on a speed boat. Papa was over at Rennecker’s this afternoon, & Steve he told him, today was his 40 yr. wedding anniversary, so tonight we all went, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry’s family, Gus, Klotz, Adam Brauns, Ed Neff, Gus Frisch, the evening was spent in musci [sic], cake, soda, wine where the refreshments served. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, papa had to help him, he got his hogs vacinated [sic] Quirin did the work for $8.55. Albert Cleveland Grover where there, he brought theres up to & got it vacinated [sic], he has only the one. The egg man was here, we sold 3 doz. 19¢. A man selling rugs, & one taking pictures of babies where here.
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