Saturday, Dec. 26, 1936

Cleaned. Rained a little, warm & cloudy. We got a electric lamp from J. Keller for Christmas bucket style. We got an invitation for Is. Helfrichs birthday dance at Floraville at Kern’s tonite, also is V. Cortner’s. Advent is over, dances start again, Oak Grove has one, give $1. for attendance price every hr. tonite. Pautler’s has double birthday dance tomorrow nite all free. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner, he went to Waterloo & to Red Bud this afternoon. Played cards.

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1936

Nice day, cool. The tree man was here. We went out to Henry’s helped clean bedroom today had dinner. A man here selling electric machine for all kind of work. Mr & Mrs Ed Brand were at Belleville at Frick’s funeral & stopped in here, on way to Levi Gregson’s; to say Hello! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came from Cortner’s funeral at Hecker here. Mr. William Freund 27 & Marcella Fahey 25 are being married at Tipton this morning, attendants twin [to bride] Estella Fahey & Joe Freund; no wedding dance. Miss Dorothy Schoenborn & Sutter of Millsdadt [sic] married at Belleville this morning, attendants Jac Schoenborn, Rose Stul & Rudy Helfrich & Tillie Rhinehardt, friends, dance held at Stolbergs Lake Belleville.

Monday, Oct. 26, 1936

We washed. Pap went out to Henry’s & Uncle Adam’s. We went to Mr. Geo. Hepp funeral this afternoon, in Dec. he would be 103 yrs. old. grandchildren pallbearers, large funeral, the weather was ugly & cold; couldn’t all get in church, that was at the Round Prairie Church & Cemetery. Mr. Nic Cortner Sr. died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, Hecker cemetery. Isadore Cowell of Red Bud was buried last Sat. afternoon there & Mr. Ernst Frick of Belleville died, & will also be buried tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday, Oct. 3, 1936

We had beef soup dinner. Henry & Rob were also here, he cut clover hay & put the alalafa [sic] up. Oliver Ruhel came to measure ground. Rob helped him, & stayed here. Henry’s family came this eve. to get him. Geo. Boll looked at the disk; Nic Helfrich came account of hauling coal. Mrs. Geo. Hartmann has a new barn dance tonite & pig roast, music by Rythmn [sic] Kings, Ladies free. Alois Roth & Gertie Cortner stopped in.

Monday, Aug. 31, 1936

We washed, ironed. Joe Griffin finished today. Pap got load corn fodder. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cortner had Gypsy Joe to play “Red Sails in Sunset” for there baby 1 yr. old today Ethel May. Mildred Watchel & Berneice Wagner was here, she is news reporter for Niece Rausch, for Daily Advocate, neice [sic] is working at Clara’s in New Athens now.

Friday, May 22, 1936

Henry & Rob. came raked hay, we helped put 1 load in & he took 1 home; had dinner here. Hodges of Marissa was here Wed. to collect his money to pay the other guy Anderson for colt – $8.00 they paid, he wanted $12 first; that is the guy Henry got the team mares from, his all have colts now, 9 head horses & mules on his place. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in this evening, they were at Ed. Parkers; his boy fell & broke his arm; & Ed Cortner’s girl broke her arm also. We got a letter sent from Blanche Crowe for graduating exercises to be on 29.

Sunday, March 15, 1936

Beautiful day, we wore spring hats, & coats. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a short while, after church, she wanted to get the Sun. paper, but Mertz had no more there. Mrs. Jerome Cortner was taken to Belleville hospital in an ambulance last nite; she got a hemmorhage [sic], took the baby to Nic Cortners, they had been visiting Ben Neffs she felt sick, & went home at 8 o clock, not long after took her to the hospital, she worked hard yesterday yet. Olive Laut came got 1 lb. butter, there going to plant potatoes out at Boll’s today. Omer Schilling brought our clover seed, this afternoon. We went to Foster Pond to see a certain party, then went to see Davis, to Belleville, looked at cows. Rose went to Joe Griffin’s to see about radio batteries.

Sunday, Feb. 23, 1936

Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up early, went to go to see Mrs. Nic Loehr – nee Cortner, who died yestday, from blood poison, a scratch from a pin; funeral will be tomorrow morn. at Paderborn. Sure is a beautiful day, on top, & plenty mud. Mr. Chas Hill left yesterday to be gone all summer he say’s, going out digging for gold & hidden money, intends to be a millionaire, when he arrives home, hen’s flat now, be sould of said [? – unclear]. We got beef roast for dinner. Eichenseers brought it along from Smithon [sic]. Jim & Dick Novelety [sic] Boys, &  hot footer & saxphone [sic] player are playing at Oak Grove Park tonite, & Orvil Bocker of Floraville is having a birthday dance at Pautler’s & has Skeets & Frankie & Ozark Mountain radio stars playing, all the stars are out, around her tonite. We went, sure had a nice time, big crowd; & wonderful floor show.

Monday, Feb. 17, 1936

We washed, ironed. Snowing, Jim & Dick played at Dreamland last nite; next Sun. nite at Oak Grove; he announced. Went out to Henry’s, washed, brought it along home us again. Mr. & Mrs. Al. Cleveland came up awhile too. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, went to see Geo Cortner’s radio, now they want to get one just like it, wind charger.

Monday, June 3, 1935

We washed, ironed; nice day. Frank Buehler & guy from Ava, came looked at the binder, & he bought it $25.00 Papa paid Buehler $8.00 he hauled it home to Ava for him; got it at noon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, cut a dress for Rose, skirt & waist seperate [sic] a white one; had lunch here; planted out sweet potatoe [sic] plants, picked cherries. Roy Cortner boys & Pierre Klotz had a accident last nite, Klotz car not impaired, fender were torn of; they say. Eggs 19¢ today, going down again.