We all went out to Henry’s, had lunches & dinner, finished cutting wheat & moved to Hecker, about 5:30, then it started in raining so they couldn’t cut any more this evening. We helped to wash & iron, took 2 quilts along & had them washed. Henry & family were all up here for supper. Lester Gregson had a misfortune about 2 weeks ago, ran over his youngest boy Virgil, right over the leg, it wasn’t broke are nothing serious, swollen, brusied [sic] a little, but is alright now again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, it started to get cloudy; they went home. Some real talk at Waterloo at present, the women folks started in fighting Mrs. Fred Miller hit Mrs. Louis Kolmier (Lenhardt) went to court & the fined is not less then $15.00 & no more than $50.00 they say it went so quick.
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