Papa went down to Buehler’s got crushing done. They didn’t crush in Hecker. Clara Wagner came. Rosalia set her hair for tonite, Edwin’s wife birthday dance at Floraville. Leona brought Berti home, she went to Waterloo. We all went to Waterloo, took lard to Schulmiester 10¢ lb., then went to Columbia bought some things at Weilbacher’s cheap sale; talked to Chas. Kern about farm implements; went to see Jac Mavers, then to Red Bud home, bought liver sausage 17¢ & soup beef 12½¢. Mr. & Mrs. Willie Matzenbacher have a little boy. first born; last week. There was a accident at the creamery station yesterday, the guy that works there & Adolph Rittmeyer, cars were damaged somewhat.
Saturday, Oct. 6, 1934
Filed Under: 1934, October Tagged With: accident, Anton, baby, birthday_dance, Buehler, car_accident, Columbia, creamery_station, crushing, Floraville, Hecker, Kern, lard, Leona, liver_sausage, Matzenbacher, Mavers, newborn, Red_Bud, Rittmeyer, Rosalia, sale, Schulmiester, soup_beef, Wagner, Waterloo, Weilbacher
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