Bert [Bertille] baked cake, cooked catsup. Pap went to woods to look for sand. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert went along to Chester to the wake of Mrs. John McDermott, who passed away yesterday afternoon at 2 ‘ o clock, at Jacksonville Ill, she had been there for 2 weeks, with a nervous break down, in a private place & nurse, while the nurse was just out, she hung herself with a strap; & died; 29 yrs old; they were married will be 2 mons. on 10 of next mo; tomorrow will be taken to her home at Raddle Ill, about 12 miles from Chester, & will be buried there Sat. morn; we met her 2 sisters & brother, being there at the funeral parlor, 2 girls were all school teachers. We were there from 3 to 5:30, people came in & out; John & Ed were there. Leo & Rose came this eve. & we ate watermelons, that A. [Aunt] Mary brought from Sparta, boy what a good melon, we ate it all 22 lb. Mrs. Mehrmann got the eggs. 10 doz. @ 17¢. A fellow here wanted to sell paint. We got 19¢ for our chicks, 77 lbs. – 3 doz. shipping charges 75¢ on coop. We got a new Chicago Mail Order catalog.
Friday, July 2, 1937
Uncle Matt stopped and boy’s, wanted to see pap about cutting trees in the woods, some people cut in his, & he was satisfied, thought maybe he wanted to let them cut in ours to. Rosalia came wanted pap help make hay. We went this morn. had dinner, lunch & supper. Mr. Orlet & Isd. came yet had lots help. Geo. Schilling started threshing this afternoon. We got card was invited to Red Bud to installation of new pastor Fr. Spors, Wed. eve. & Thurs. eve, got card to late, was all over already.
Monday, April 19, 1937
Henry & Leona & Bert went to E. St. Louis, shopping, boys stayed here all day; had dinner. Eggs 19¢. Hecker Baseball Club had a dance last nite at Kammlers, played Schmidts. We also seen Uncle Ed [Crowe] today, at his feed store. Columbia traders were here.
Friday, Jan. 29, 1937
Bert cleaned, baked bread etc. Eggs only 19¢ now; Bert got the mail, not much news, Mr. & Mrs. Jake Schaefer of near Foster Pond have a baby boy, born at St. Mary’s Hospital last Thurs. nite; Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schmidt & son Linus [? – unclear] of Waterloo returned home from Red Bud’s Hospital Sat. were all 3 had pneumonia, boy was taken back there again still has throat ailments, paper says. Mrs. Joe Watchel gave me the wedding present for Rosalia, they couldn’t go to the wedding, Delmar was sick with grippe. She [Rosalia] got set silver ware from Uncle Ed, knives & forks, spoons, teaspoons, butter knives, sure beautiful set, sent by mail.
Saturday, Nov. 14, 1936
Went out to Henry’s took Leona & Billy [Willis] along to the funeral of Mrs. McDermott, very large; nephews pall bearers were Simon & Alois Havey, Gene Fahey & 2 McDermotts Luke’s boy’s. We met Uncle Ed, haven’t seen him for so long. Pap got crushing done. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Mohr’s sale at Red Bud, bought 2-5 gal. jars. We quilted all afternoon & eve. Awful cool night.
Thursday, Aug. 6, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here all day dinner & supper he worked across the street. Leona & Billy [Willis] were up, she brought dress goods along & they sewed & made it for her. Richard Crowe won $4.25 playing bluey, sure lucky, that was half what they took in. Eggs 21¢
Sunday, June 7, 1936
Aunt Mary came & went along to Waterloo with us to church, Fr. Freund said his first mass, so many people at church; they had dinner here. Omer & Bert went to the banquet there at Memorial Hall, over 200 people for dinner there. went to the reception tonite, children play, violin solos, had sandwiches & soda. Rich Crowe came along with Fr. Freund from Ohio this morn; & also some college boy’s. Awful hot today.
Friday, May 29, 1936
We cleaned truck patch, chix house etc. Tonite is graduating at Waterloo in parish house, Blanche Crowe, being one, we received an invitation from her. Went out to Henry’s tonite.
Friday, May 22, 1936
Henry & Rob. came raked hay, we helped put 1 load in & he took 1 home; had dinner here. Hodges of Marissa was here Wed. to collect his money to pay the other guy Anderson for colt – $8.00 they paid, he wanted $12 first; that is the guy Henry got the team mares from, his all have colts now, 9 head horses & mules on his place. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in this evening, they were at Ed. Parkers; his boy fell & broke his arm; & Ed Cortner’s girl broke her arm also. We got a letter sent from Blanche Crowe for graduating exercises to be on 29.
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1935
Pap & Rosalia went out to Henry’s did the feeding, & took the boy’s along too; put the hams away. Mr. Herbert of Belleville called said, he would take the black cow for $65. get her when the weather was fit, nasty out today, rainy & colder. Henry came this afternoon brought Billy [Willis] along to stay here. he thought Leona improved some, she is all yellow color, but hasn’t no pains in her stomach this morning; he stayed by Uncle Ed. in E. St. Louis, she has a private room, St. Marys Hospital. Rosa went out did the milking, brought the boy’s along again. We washed & ironed some today. Eggs 22¢ here in town.
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