Mrs. Rennecker brought flower slips over. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s again to make hay; had lunches & dinner. A real estate agent Mr. Wolf of Freeburg was here, left his card. Mr. Stephen Freund & Richard Crow left for Worthington Ohio for school last week, Freund for his last year & there to be ordained, & Crowe first year Josephium College. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came got coffee.
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1935
Papa went out to Henry’s, digging potatoes this morning. Richard Crowe was also helping, he is 15 yrs. old today. We washed, ironed, had spring chicken dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up. Henry came took the hay that was no good out of the barn & cut alalfa [sic – alfalfa], all had lunch here. Leona & kids came up & got him with the car. Clara Wagner & kids were over, George went to the Firemen’s meeting. Arthur Kuhns of Floraville had a accident Sun. nite, with a oil truck, had his arm torned [sic] open pretty bad had stitches in it by the Dr.
Saturday, Aug. 10, 1935
Henry came & got his team & a wagon; had lunch here & engine moved out about 6 o’clock this morning. Katie Keorber youngest daughter of Louis Keorber & Wm. Weber’s boy were married last Sat. at 3:30 Smithon [sic] church; going to start in farming. Pap & Rose hauling wheat from Henry’s to Waterloo. Al Gauen came & got a 13½ lb. ham, 35¢. The price of hogs now is $12 – 100, market. Richard Crowe was out helping with threshing yesterday. Rained this morn. Wheat 77¢ had 17 bus. hauled to Waterloo. We went to a free dance at Pautlers tonite, nice crowd, Carle Schumacher Orchestra.
Wednesday, July 17, 1935
Baked bread; painting etc. Cleaned basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here from Hy. Birkner’s threshing & had dinner here, he went along with papa in the woods, to see what kind of a job those guys are making in Uncle Matts woods; after dinner they left for Oscar Birkner’s threshing, for supper. The boss of the wood workers came by this afternoon papa went out & showed them where to work in our woods. Uncle Fred’s got his chev. just a year today. Pour’s called babies Leo & Louis.
Tuesday, July 16, 1935
Finished patching, baked blackberry pie; got 42½ pt. sour kraut canned. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, canned beans, she claims hers don’t keep what she canned; also canned beets; & ironed for her. Uncle Matt & boys were here, he wanted to take him out in his woods to see how those fellows were making piling, 3½ ft. thought maybe papa would let them make some in our woods too. Rose took lawn mower to Fritsche got the handle fixed on it; then we cut lawn. Pap started painting chick house.
Friday, July 5, 1935
Baked bread. Papa went to Belleville. Tipton congregation had chicken supper yesterday; & Mr. Walsh student of Holy Priesthood here selling papers, we took it Catholic Extension Magazine $3.00 yr. rosary with it. he is selling that, to help the missions. Henry came & cut & raked hay. had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening she got her dress from Mrs. Staufenbiel’s. Sure hot 105 this aternoon. The Waterloo paper has that while Clyde Crowe was playing ball Sun. afternoon, in running after a foul ball, his pants caught fire, but it was put out & no damage was done; & another guy stepped on a rabbit & killed it some exciting ball game they lost track of the score. Harrisonville won all both game here with Hecker last Sun.
Friday, May 31, 1935
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, got load wheat 17 bus. took it to Red Bud got 74¢, this afternoon took 17 bus. to Waterloo & got 79¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up; had lunch, we cooked cheese & Boy! is it good. We picked our cherries; ¾ of a gallon. Hy Rahn & family & Claude Crowe, had auto accident at Hellmers corner Sun evening Crowe was going to pass Rahn just as he was going to turn in the street by Hellmer at Waterloo, Rahn was hurt, with cuts & bruises, & fractured ribs, his car upset. Claude is Oliver Crowe’s son. Henry & family came, left the kids here & we went along to Waterloo to CCC camp, had a dance in the mash room & so many people, 3 orchestras played music. High school, Pals of Harmony & camp band; nice place. The Catholic School children have there play & graduation exercises tonite. Adm. 25¢. Raffling a quilt out also. It was in the paper the case between Christ & Frank Buehler was dimissed [sic] to Randolph Co; was at Waterloo Mon.
Friday, Jan. 11, 1935
Uncle Fred went home; Mrs. Rennecker & Mrs. Robert Laut were helping to quilt this afternoon, had supper, also Katie Klotz dropped in, waiting for Arlene. Papa went to Hill’s; on business about selling land. Mr. Oscar Bibler died last Sun. evening at the Red Bud hospital. Mrs. Emma Bickechaupt nee Vogel died Tues. 34 yrs. was buried Thurs. at Burksville; been married since 1931. Our cousin Matthias Crowe of St. Louis, Sun. morning, Thom. brother, died, was buried Wed. morning 60 yrs; ailing since he was hurt in a accident in 1933, was formerly a policeman there, he leave his wife & son Dr. Matt & daughter Viola, & 2 sisters & 1 brother Tom policeman at Waterloo.
Friday, Oct. 26, 1934
We cleaned. Emett Cowell is selling out to the 4 bare walls at Red Bud clothing store, is going to move next door south & a filling station will be erected at the corner, where he has his store. Dr. Matt J. Crowe & Marie Eberhardt of St. Louis where married last Thurs. Oct. 18 at the Nativity Catholic Church, Harney & Oriole Ave. Mr. Crowe has been doctor for several years. Office is located at 5738 W. Florissant Ave. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Chas Eberhardt. Mr. Tom Crowe & family of Waterloo attended the wedding. The bridal couple left by plane on a honeymoon trip; about 2 weeks. We went to Renneckers tonite, had 4 hand pinochle.
Friday, Aug. 31, 1934
We finished digging potatoes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, she went along with us to Belleville, we got new winter hats. Mr. Jake Cole stopped in. Mr. Herman Geodelle of Waterloo died. Miss Adele Crowe gave a surprize [sic] bridal shower for Miss Olga Bozzy who is to wed Mr. John Schauer of St. Joseph Mo. soon, Miss Magaret May won first prize in bunco. We went to Donahue’s free dance this evening, Carlos Entainers [sic], crowd wasnt so hot, but boy the fish was swell. Oak Grove has theres tomorrow nite.
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