Papa & Bertille went to church this morning. Henry & Leona went to Belleville & left the kids here. The rabbit came & laid eggs for the boys. Leona got a new spring hat this morn. for $1.69 a brown one. Rosalia finished our dresses today. There was a lady here, bought 2 doz. eggs for 18¢ a doz. Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, were all here this evening, we all went to church. Uncle Fred took care of the boys. I seen in the Waterloo Paper that Mat Crowe is going to move above Wolf’s Store & Leo Kohler is moving where Uncle Matt lived.
Thursday, Jan. 22, 1931
Rosalia went up to church this morn. Mr. Caldwell was here & from here he went to Waterloo. Papa & Uncle Fred went to Waterloo this afternoon. Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Mamie went to the quilting in the new school hall. There were 14 there. It is just like spring today, so warm. This evening we, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went out to Henry’s. We had a six hand pinochle game, men against the ladies, the men won all 3 games. There was a picture of 4 generations in the Sunday paper, they were Mrs. Hy Geodelle, Mrs. Adam Matzenbacher, Frieda Grohman & her baby Arlene. There was also a picture of Lucy DeMint dancing [with] pupils. Blanche & Rose Mary Crowe is also in it.
Friday, Jan. 16, 1931
Papa isn’t feeling well this morning. Bertille got the mail. In the Waterloo Paper it states that Mr. & Mrs. Matt Crowe have a twin boy & girl at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. They now have seven children 4 boys & 3 girls. Rosalia & Bertille went up in the woods this afternoon & got a load. But we had to put chains on & then take them off again. We stopped at Henry’s first. This evening is bank meeting at the new school. Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. The men folks went to the meeting they said there was an awful crowd there. Fr. Grootens was the main speaker & H. M. Hill made a few remarks that Mr. Burkhardt said that he thought everybody would be paid out in full if they gave him time, about a year or so. We played 4 handed pinochle. Bertille & Leona, & Rosalia & Aunt Mary, we each won one game. Then Elsie & Alfred Eckert came & wanted to sell seeds. Aunt Mary bought a package of seed corn. They all left about 10:30.
Friday, Oct. 3, 1930
Rosalia went to church this morning. Papa hauled 2 loads of coal this morning. They took Delbert Meuth son of Nick Meuth to the hospital one day last week, where he will be operated on appendix. Mrs. Lorberg is staying with him in the hospital. Papa hauled 5 loads of coal this afternoon. Henry called up and wanted to know if Rosalia could take Leona to Waterloo to the doctor this afternoon, so she took her in. Leona went out to get the mail yesterday afternoon & she ran back to the house & stumbled & cut a big gash in her chin down to the bone. The doctor put a piece of plaster over it to heal, if it don’t heal shut that way then she will have to get it sewed together. I seen in the Times, that Clyde Crowe & Walter Schmidt left last Tuesday for Ada Groves, Iowa to visit with Schmidts relatives. We found 3 dozen eggs today.
Wednesday, March 5, 1930
Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went to church this morning to receive the ashes. Tonite is lent service at 7:30. We found 32 eggs today. Mr. Tom Crowe & H.M. Hill were here. Papa showed Mr. Crowe the house. Papa got our summer sausage from Steve Rheinecker today. He smoked it for us. Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here. They all went to lent service.
Friday, February 14, 1930
Bertille got a Valentine but there is no name on it. Ha! Ha! Who cares. It is snowing something awful. Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville this morning to the place where we got our little chicks from, to see what is the matter with our chicks, we have lost quite a few since last Thursday (a week). Last Tuesday, Feb. 11, Andy Hellmer & Stella Dugan were married in Waterloo by Father Eschman. Mr. Clyde Crowe was best man and Eugenia Hellmer was bridesmaid. They are going to live in Waterloo. Miss Agnes Bussen’s licenses are in the paper too. She is going to get married to a fellow from Columbia. Miss Mildred Wild is assistant in Dr. J. P. McOmellaur’s office. Papa was down at the central office this afternoon to call over to New Athens Lumber Co.. They are going to decorate and fix the St. Peter and Paul’s Church in Waterloo. It is to be finished by April 1. The lumber man from New Athens brought some lumber over this evening. It (the road) was too soft, he couldn’t drive in, so he threw it on the ground in our lane and Papa & Rosalia had to carry it in the shed. It kind a quit snowing right now, but we will have lots more yet. We are to have 23 snow this winter, we had 14 snows already. We found 12 eggs today.
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