Pap went to Waterloo, get crushing done. Painters are here again; Canned 1 qt. pt. tomatoes, cooked catsup. Cloudy and awful warm. Tipton has there church pinic [sic] at Donahue’s now today instead of Paulter’s park at Waterloo, chicken supper 4-8. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary are helping Oscar Birkner’s move today. Grahlerrs moved out Sun; rest of stock yesterday. Hy Birkner moves tomorrow, down at Oscar’s, & Clem Parkers going to move were [where] Henry lives, & also rent the ground there. Henry rents ground from Uncle Fred; he & A. Mary came, we went along to Donahues to church pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing. A. Mary got set of 12 knives & forks, playing bluey. They had to raffle $100 – 1st prize & $35 – 2 prize, selling 5¢ chance & book tickets & $1., & some times sack flour & sugar & beer, Hamacher won case beer at one time; pretty nice crowd. A. Mary bought bowl chicken 25¢, back & necks & wing; we ate it when we got home. They had dance, starting about 10 ‘ o clock, charging 10¢ from gents, ladies free. Hempe musci [sic].
Sunday, August 1, 1937
Mrs. Staufenbiel went along to Red Bud mass. Yesterday was 25 Silver Wedding Ann. of Mr & Mrs Alb. Cleveland was announced over the radio, today is Alb. birthday. Fri nite Nic Mueths celebrated there 25 Silver Wedd. Ann. at Log Cabin by Red Bud invitation dance. We went to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. They came up this eve. & Bert [Bertille] went along to church had benediction, tried the organ, it is not finished, were so many keys that never worked but is is wonderful now. Then we went to Paderborn to Totsch’s free dance, & what a crowd, Skaer Orch. The Wedd. anni. of Al. Clevelands went over the radio again this afternoon, german musci [sic], or polish hr; requested by Grover.
Sunday, July 25, 1937
Rained this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & Rose [Rosalia] had dinner & supper here. Wm. Braun came wanted to rent wheat ground. Bert [Bertille] went along with Leo home went with them to Floraville to free dance Schmidts Orch. nice crowd & good time, came home with Wagner’s. Nice cool evening.
Sunday, July 18, 1937
Went to 6:30 mass; going to have pinic [sic] soon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. Chas. Mueth & Jake Orlet came looked at pigs, Jake wants to buy some. Henry came up, he says he heard Schilling’s going to thresh Wm. Ganley’s & Lohrmann’s wheat first, he is going to see Geo. Schilling see what he says. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along with them to Paderborn to Totsch’s free dance & what a crowd. Skaers Orc.
Saturday, July 17, 1937
Hy. Armstutz brought sack feed for pigs this morn. Pierre Laut was here selling chances for a quilt, pillow slip & scarf, to be raffled on there church pinic [sic] on Aug. 8. Cloudy & cool; some are threshing Joe Watchel is out at Frank Birkners, going to finish there. Wm. Myerscough of New Athens died will be buried Mon. Morning. papa’s first coummioun [sic – communion] partner, they used to live near Hecker. Keims have a free dance at Floraville tonite, musci [sic] by the girls. The Country Club has its annual carnvial [sic], beginning Fri. nite ending Sun. nite, Pappy Cheshire KMOX radio stars are to intertain [sic] for an hr. tonite & tomorrow; free for all & all for fun. Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville to a dance with Geo. Wagner’s, large crowd. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, from here went out to Henry’s.
Friday, July 9, 1937
Had nice shower today. Waterloo paper states there were no marriage licenses there, not in Belleville & E. St. Louis since the law to have a physical ex. [exam] of both parties; in Mo. 64 licenses, were it is no law for that. Mr. Ray Paulter cashier in First National Bank & lady of St. Louis were married there July 6. in Holy Innocents Church, attended by S. I. Paulter brother & Esther McCarthy friend of the bride, going for honeymoon to Chicago & Wisconsin; will make there home in Waterloo, she was employed as cashier in St. Louis First National Bank; also the wedding of Clarence Stehl Anna Cohran of Granite City, took place in Immaul [sic] Church June 30; young couple will make there home in Granite City. Emil is appointed Admin. settle the estate of Uncle Adam on Aug. 22, it is in paper. Peter Sensel purchased the Ben Jung residence, & will move to Waterloo in near future Levi is to get married; transfer was made, also of Bruno Winkler & wf. to Arch. Wiehl & wf. & Elmer Winkler sold his residence on Morrison Ave. to Bucher manager of Monroe Service Co; & is now building a house in next lot to it; on Morrison Ave. Send Chev. Ins. of $5.60. Mr. Hill was here collected telephone dues $1. Bert painted front porch benches. Awful warm after rain. Mrs. A. Brown & daughter Marcella & Mrs. Hy. Doyle have taken over the Log Cabin, formerly run by Leo Horrel who is now at Gregsons Restaurant in Red Bud; she will have an opening dance tomorrow nite. Frank Finnerty of Waterloo has or is prop. now at Oak Grove; Nic Joseph is back at Burksville again. Leabig [?] the fisherman of Boxtown that shot Joe McCarthy was giving a hearing before Justice of Peace, bound over to Grand Jury fixed at $7,500, not being able to furnish bond was returned to Co. Jail, held on charge of intended murder; a peace warrant for $1,000 has been sworn out against the prisoner; paper says.
Sunday, July 4, 1937
Went to mass, new pastor Fr. Spors, about 45 pretty nice man. Leo & Rose came down for dinner brought truck back. This afternoon Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & J. [Josie] Keller came, all had supper here, went fishing this afternoon had fish fry, sure good. Bert [Bertille] went along home with Leo & went to free dance at Totsch at Paderborn, Skaers playing; Boy was this town hot on firecrackers, & what a noise, 3 days. We had nice rain this afternoon.
Monday, June 14, 1937
Worked gardens, Henry & family were here for dinner. took calf to Belleville got 8¢. Pap & boys put roofing on brooder house. Went out to Henry’s got load oats & corn that was still out there yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary got card, inviting us to come to Luella Ronenberg’s wedding dance at Paderborn Sat. nite; also has a fish fry & dance Sun. nite.
Saturday, May 15, 1937
Pierre Laut & Buddy Napier had Geo Boll’s team plowed the patches; all finished. Olive [Olivia] got qt. milk. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon. Hecker baseball team Jrs [? – unclear] have a dance at Pautler’s tonite. Skaers musci [sic]. Adm. 25¢. Eggs 17¢.
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