Sunday, May 9, 1937

Mothers Day. Went to Red Bud mass. We received a 2 books chances yesterday from Dupo, 1st prize $700.00 & 2nd. $300.00, pinic [sic] on May 31; we get them every year. Went out to A. [Aunt] Mary’s for dinner Josie Keller was out & this afternoon all went to Leo’s had supper there. Leo & Rose came down to milk station this morn, put in complain about getting there milk back all the time; they brought some sour milk along here to make cheese with. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came up this eve.; we went to the firemens dance at Manier’s Hall nice crowd, Skaer’s played; cleared $40. at the door. Adm. 25¢.

Wednesday, April 21, 1937

Rain this morn. Eggs 18¢. R. Wittenauer pd. Bert [Bertille] $5.00 for ball ground rent for 1937. The dance wasn’t so good.

Sunday, April 18, 1937

Went to mass. Fr. Stern read it, but isn’t just so healthy yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Leo & Rose were here for dinner & supper. Bishoff had Confirmation here this morn. & raining. Bert [Bertille] went along with Leo & Rose to Floraville to Bockers to a dance nice crowd, musci [sic] by Vogel Bros. Mr. Honnecker of Floraville was buried this afternoon, she died last week. Mrs. Probst from there also was buried last week. Herman Goessling have a baby born on Apr. 14.

Wednesday, April 7, 1937

Bert went along with Ivo Buehler to Leo’s, helped ironed, patch, had dinner & supper there went along to Paderborn play tonite. Texas Ranger’s, boy what crowd, players were, Hy. Roth, Al & Bertha Karban, Isd. & Ceceila [sic] Watchel, Sly. Neff, Sy. Louis Schoenborn, Esther Helfrich, Marcella Schilling, Cryil Haudrich, Skaer’s Schoenborn played for dance after play, sure was good. Hermann of Columbia got the mule in trade for cow & pigs $65 booth [sic-both]. Leo has there cow & pigs. Bert Thompson was here, pap was over at Meng’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary bought Bert home this eve.

Sunday, March 28, 1937

Easter. Henry & family & Leo & Rose & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here dinner & supper. Men folks played cards. Cool today. Lot people wearing there spring suits & outfits. Krupp of Millsdat [sic] was here looked at horses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this eve. Bert went along to Floraville to dance at Keim’s pretty large crowd music by Waterloo Wild cats; not so good. Schlotmann of Red Bud a baby boy, on Mar. 18; all doing well so they say.

Wednesday, March 17, 1937

St. Patricks, nice day, snow is nearly all gone. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went into Belleville to see Mrs. Buehler this morning & also went over to N. Athens but couldn’t get the quilt yet, the show won’t be over till Sat. nite being bad weather; but she got the money for the stitched quilt $7.50, that one gone to St. Louis already, they had dinner here. Uncle [Fred] went to Waterloo got oiled changed in his car, & she helped Bert fixed her dress. Ralph Collier was here awhile. Burckhardt & Eppineger horse traders of Waterloo were here, coming back tomorrow evening again. Nobody planted potatoes today, I don’t think. There is St. Patricks dance at Oak Grove, & a free one at Donahues tonite.

Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1937

Leo & Rose came, we all went to E. St. Louis to National House, but was no business, couldn’t make use of the $35. check anyway; went shopping awhile, stoped [sic] at Belleville on way home. Pretty nice day, not so cold. The Hecker Y.P.League having a euchre & dance tonite. Misci [sic] by Kattinger Vagabonds. Sparks May & Laber girl & another girl. There is also euchre & dance given at Paderborn church hall tonite. Alois Roth & Gertie came took Bert along to Paderborn, had a large crowd, we didn’t get no prize, had 5 points. Leo & Rose didn’t get none either. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the Y.P.L. euchre, they only played 8 games, they both had 5, got percolator, & meat platter; but the crowd wasn’t very large. It isn’t so cold tonite. Skaer Bro. played at Paderborn.

Sunday, Jan. 10, 1937

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for dinner & supper. Aunt Mary & Rosalia went to Lizzie Boll’s. We went to Pautlers tonite, Herb Probst & Eugene Neff birthday dance, sure a big crowd. Skaer Bros. played. Adm. 25¢.

Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1936

Raining all morning heavy. This afternoon sun shining nice, radio says cold weather tonite. Eggs 26¢ today. A fellow here, wanted to buy timber. Lohmann on Ben Schilling farm is going to make wood; hauled it up, 40¢ load, going to start soon. Mauff vegatable [sic] man was around. The St. Libory players are giving a play at Paderborn tonite. Leo came & we went to the play & dance, sure was nice. “A Hill Billy Courtship” was the name; pretty good crowd. Schoenborn & Skaer played for the dance. It is getting somewhat colder, high wind.

Thursday, Nov. 26, 1936

Snow this morn. & all day, colder; not a very nice day. The turkey dinner went pretty good sold 450 tickets & turkey was about all, had 50; sold everything in fancy work & bazzaar [sic]. We were quilting all day, had chicken dinner. Today is the weddings all over, at Tipton Eugene Fahey & Lucille McCarthey, Joe Lynle & Ethel May, & Fauter & Kahner, all in mass at 9:30; Fahey & May gave wedding dance at Donahue’s, very large crowd. Jack Ganley & Helen McCarthy best; Rose May & guy for her sister. Miss Josie Keller & Kuhn stopped awhile; were out for turkey supper. We went to Ralph Weigand’s & Luella Bruns wedding dance at Kammlers hall, nice crowd, but cold. A. Buchons’s furnished musci [sic], marched around the cake, & danced; Hy Brun’s & cousin best, sure received many presents; the bride all wore white with veils. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to.