Pap went in the woods, Rose went along as far as Henry’s. Leona is sick again, chills & fever, like she was while back. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, also Mr & Mrs Christ Kern & son Leo & Mr & Mrs Walter Kelley & baby girl, on business. A deaf guy was here with different articles to sell. Pap went out to Henry’s to get Rose this evening; she washed & ironed, Leona was pretty good.
Thursday, May 17, 1934
Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry came this morn, had lunch & dinner; from 7 to 6. Cleveland worked this afternoon, – 1-6. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left right after dinner, went to Adam Eckerts, Emmies birthday, he went over to see Hy. Kerber, came back here again, had supper. Mr. Rob. Mertz & family stopped on there way to Red Bud, see how far we was with the barn, he is going to put the tin roof on. Rosa sewed my dress today. A gang kids was here selling chances for a quilt to be raffled out after the childrens program, on May 24, we took one – 5¢. Mr. Chas Mehman of Belleville is sick. Hy. Braun of Hecker, worked so hard in the garden, that he is now deaf.
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