Tuesday, May 16, 1939

Cool this morn. Chicks still dying 18 this morn. Bert [Bertille] cleaned basement & scrubbed it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, working garden. Eggs 13 [cents]. Buettner was found dead at or near Douglas this morn, he shot himself in his car; was there since Mon. paper says; had 2 notes written, one to Mrs. Grosse & other lady at Belleville. Chas. Mehrmann of Belleville had a stroke & died suddenly yesterday eve. after work; his wife died 5 weeks ago from tooth extraction, he will be buried Thurs. morn. at 10:30 he turned Catholic when he married Becherer.

Friday, May 5, 1939

Shipped cooped chickens. Went to Red Bud to funeral of Mr. Clemens Schlotmann, wasn’t so large. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, making garden. We planted out some more tomatoe [sic] plants this eve. Bert [Bertille] painted kitchen chairs & table this afternoon.

Wednesday, May 3, 1939

Had beef soup dinner. Pap’s birthday 61 yrs. old. Clemens Schlotmann Sr. of Red Bud died will be buried Fri. morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & pap went down to see him this afternoon, he just had a stroke 10 o’clock yesterday morn. 69 yrs. they went home & came back again for supper; Henry & family & Leo & family & Bill [Klein] were here this eve. Bert [Bertille] put a piece over radio, German Band for a whole set, birthday. Minnie Staufenbiel, was here wants to go along to funeral Fri. at Red Bud. Ralph Wiegand accessor came this eve.

Sunday, April 23, 1939

Went to Paderborn mass, went to Leo’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were there too all day. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to church this afternoon; at Paderborn. There was a bad accident by Log Cabin Frid. morn. early, 1 being killed James Moore & Ray Roscow & Seifert boy are in hospital, not in very good condition, Roscow is unconsicous [sic].

Friday, April 21, 1939

Cloudy & still cold wind, rained heavy again last nite. Pap was by Emil awhile this morn. He said that wasn’t so that Mrs. Threfall was married, he back out. There was about 12 cars & 5 trucks loads people went by yelling etc; guess they went over to city for ball game which is now going on over there, starting last Mon. Wild of Waterloo sale cryer passed away, being sick just a week. Levi Gregson’s & Emil attended Tipton euchre last Wed. nite reported having had such a good time, arriving home at 4:30. Temperatures these days being around 40 [degrees] & raining.

Thursday, April 20, 1939

Cloudy. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came awhile, they were to see Kochs by New Athens. Elmer Haudrich was here to look at hog feeders; wants to make one. Raining again this eve. Eggs still 14 [cents]. Dr. Frein was buried yesterday morn. Tomorrow is the 25 Silver Wedding Ann. of Mr & Mrs Vic. Eichenseer, had the mass this morn. Henry was by Emil’s this eve..

Saturday, April 15, 1939

Rain in showers this morning. Went to funeral, while at cemetery it rained heavy. We had to go to there place for dinner, had all relatives there. Father Weskhamp made such nice sermon; church was full, couldn’t all get in. Pallbearers were newphews, 2 Englerth Boys & 2 Klien & John Mueth & Dominic Rheinhardt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had been here went to sale by Waterloo. Emil came got step ladder to fix garage door.

Thursday, April 13, 1939

Chas. Helfrich got load hay. We went to Leos awhile, then went to Kleins & by Riess to get 15 doz. eggs @ 16 [cents] white wyandottes. Quite a few people came by Kleins he looks natural; nice flowers they have. Bert [Bertille] got mass card by Fr. Aydt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Kleins this eve; house was just crowded; people from all over came; there pay last respects.

Wednesday, April 12, 1939

Cold froze hard. 26 degrees guess peaches are done; suppose to be freezing tonite again. Bill [Klein] & sister came, found his dad Dominic Klein dead at 3 o clock in bed; he was 63 yrs old; is at Waterloo till tomorrow morn. Bill said; funeral would be Sat. morning. Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room wall paper; got pictures today all pretty good. Chas. Helfrich came looked at hay. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were by Frank Birkner’s today. The Floraville choir have a play tonite – “District School.”

Friday, April 7, 1939

Good Friday. 28 degrees; warmer again for today. Went to church 7 o clock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in. Pete Hoffmann of near Waterloo died at Querheim Parlor & Mrs. Glessener, Kroll’s sister, passed away to [sic]. Mr. & Mrs. Farbers were here looked at mare. Bert [Bertille] fixed doz. eggs & 9 for A. [Aunt] Mary’s. Went to Red Bud 3 o clock church. heard Fr. Ore Service on radio. Went to Waterloo to see Pete Hoffmann & Mrs. Glessner, they have 3 people laid out, being awful busy all week. Mr. Hill came collected telephone dues. Bert Thompson & family going to move on Weber Farm & Webers moving to New Athens.