Went to Draber’s funeral this morn. brought him out from Belleville, Gardner’s Funeral Home, to church here, mass by Fr. Aydt, Freund, Ratterman took him back to Belleville to Green Mount Cemetery; church was packed, all Orbon Stove Worker’s had to be present here; it was a very sad funeral. We went to Belleville this afternoon shopping. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up to to this morn. Wm. Ganley was here. We went to Emil’s.
Saturday, Nov. 26, 1938
Cold & getting colder tonite to be 14 [degrees]. Mr & Mrs Crocker were here to look at horse; want to buy, it they get more jobs here. Oliver Traber is been sick since his wedding Thurs. & tonite at 5 oclock passed away, had acute indigestion, sure terrible.
Sunday, Nov. 6, 1938
Went to Red Bud, mass was longer from 7:30 till 9:00. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, pap went along to Donahue’s, turkey supper, & shooting match; they also went to Phil Mueths shooting match, but didn’t win nothing; Clarence Pabst of Belleville was granted a divorce, Sat. from his wife nee -Irene Voges. Geo. Wihelms. Mrs. Mertz brother died in Belleville hospital of pneumonia. Raining this eve.; a little.
Friday, Oct. 14, 1938
We went to funeral of Mr. Frisch 80 yrs. old, Fr. Aydt made a very good sermon; pretty large, funeral, Garedener. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. Olive Laut came this eve. paid ground rent $8.00 there truck patch.
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1938
Columbus Day. We wormed our pullets this morn. John Frish – Gus dad was found in chair, pulling potatoes & died was found that way when Gus came home last nite. Bert [Bertille] made some more Mince Meat. Besse of Millsdadt [sic] bought 4 bu. & 20 lbs. potatoes & 75 [cents] hundred. $1.96.
Friday, Sept. 30, 1938
Nice day. Mrs. Lena Zoeller is being buried this afternoon. Mr. Bill Curran have baby boy makes 4 boys & 1 girl to family.
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1938
Bert [Bertille] varnished front room floor. Went out to Henrys we washed quilts, had beer yet & cake; had chicken dinner. Mrs. Lena Zoller died this morn. is at Koch’s Parlor at Red Bud till Fri. afternoon funeral here at Hecker church & cemetery. 56 yrs.
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1938
Went to Red Bud to funeral of Mrs. Galagher 79 yrs. old. Fr. Havey read the mass & sermon, also by him & Fr. Spors, none of Crowes out from city; large funeral. Went to sale at Red Bud, neighbor to Buehler’s; in there shed.
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1938
Had no frost. We took 2 hogs & went to Leo’s, loaded his calf went to Belleville to Streck’s pap stayed there with baby [Marita]; he got 11 [cents] for calf 157 lb. & we got for 175 lb. $8.60 & 230 lb. $8.75 that’s yesterdays price, today markets when down again. The Young Ladies have card party in school hall tonite; open air if it isn’t to cold. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here awhile they & Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to euchre in hall, got nothing A. [Aunt] Mary got last price package napkins. 8 points. Leo & family & pap went to Red Bud to wake at Koch’s of Mrs. Isabel Gallagher. Emil came brought a letter with Nic. Brands name on it, it came from Mrs. Ryan of Oxley Mo.; wanting information about Turstenberg family, which she is a relative; to write. The sheriff of Waterloo & Belleville was out in Hecker gathering a few boys that damaged Vera’s property Sun. nite; Clyde Mueth, Clarence Braun, Bill Braun, few others yet, did about $150.00.
Monday, Sept. 19, 1938
Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up all day, he worked across street, had beef soup dinner they brought here, had dinner & supper. Celestine Neff was here selling chances on bedspread, donations to go for recovering aisle for centennial mass, which will be in Nov. 11. Pap went to meeting at Kammler’s hall; about the farm plans again. Mrs. Bill Gallagher died this morn. is at Kochs parlor, she was ill for about week; will be buried Wed. morn at Red Bud. Leo & family & Henry & family were here this eve. Radio say frost tonite..
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