Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, he took 2 hogs of ours 410 lbs. @ $6.65 to Belleville she stayed helped paper [wallpaper], also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt Mary], Olive Laut papered bedroom & kitchen $1.75 from 7 till 7:30 pm all had dinner & supper; Leo came for supper, to, hogs weighed 410 lbs. @ $6.65. Marita was good all nite. A guy around selling fish. Olive bought one 5 lb. @ 10 [cents]. Buffalo Corks [? – unclear]
Tuesday, April 25, 1939
Thursday, Sept. 30, 1937
Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap cooked beef soup dinner; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, had dinner here, finished papering & cleaned his truck patch, pap helped him this afternoon worked it up with horse; had lunch with them, stayed for eve. awhile. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came brought cream down, going to ship it over with Buehler, then going to start hauling milk again, only not getting best price. Schmidt brought sack wagone [sic] laying mash started feeding it today. Leo & Rose also down last nite.
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1937
Beautiful day. Cleaned chicken house & closed the young pullets in, & starting feed laying mash. Pap took trip out on business. Bert [Bertille] helped Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary paper. Emil came also. Rob. Laut brought 3 bus. our share; pretty nice ones. Wm. Ganley came pd. Int. etc. he had shooting match Sun. fairly attended.
Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1937
Washed, ironed. Had chicken soup. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, papered sides, still ain’t finished only half. Planted all flowers up took them in basement. Rained a little shower, warmer. Burdforf looked at our pig yesterday, also went out to look at Henry’s heifers. Gaven came got 37½ lbs. 2 hams. @40¢ & ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢.
Monday, Oct. 19, 1936
We pappered [sic] the front room. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & Leona helped; had dinner & duck supper, it weighed 5½ lbs. We went to the Democratic Meeting at Kammler’s tonite, speakers H. Jackson, Burk of Kansas. Davis of Muryphsboro [sic], had talkie picture & free beer, surely was a crowd, had a speaker, microphone, carried far; the hall was packed & other time as many out side they said, beer in all [illegible].
Friday, March 1, 1935
Pap went out to Henkels farmed clover seed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we, went along with them to Athens see the quilt show; so many nice quilts, 166; prizes will be given tomorrow night last chance; all different kinds, priced, plain, stitched, appiqud [sic – appliqued] old. We all went to Columbia & Waterloo this afternoon, we got wall paper for dinning [sic] room, 6 rolls for wall, 50 ft. border, & 4 ceiling, we will have some left to return; I guess; nice day; little windy; We seen some people are busy making garden already, on way to Columbia.
Thursday, Sept. 20, 1934
Painting side walls, cleaning; to took just 3 rolls [of wallpaper] cutting & 3 side for our kitchen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had dinner here, also did Henry, he was working up here. Mrs. Alice Brand & Lucille & Zita Carol were here, short visit of about ½ hr; she wants to go to several places here in town; all look the same yet; getting older of course. Eggs 21¢. Sheriff Gauen got 2 hams 25½ lbs. at 25¢ this afternoon.
Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1934
We went to Waterloo, got wall paper for the kitchen 10¢ roll. We got a load of tin cans for planting out flowers; gave Rennecker’s & Wagner’s some. We went out to Uncle Fred’s; this evening; Dr. Schellschmidt of Red Bud died of 6 weeks pneoumia [sic – pneumonia]; will be buried tomorrow at Belleville. It rained this morning, we canned 3 qts. pears this morning.
Friday, Dec. 19, 1930
Mr. Caldwell from Burksville was here this morning for a short while. This afternoon we all went out to Henry’s to saw wood. Robert Laut, John Henkel, Emil were all helping. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelley are rejoicing over a new born baby girl last week. Leo McCarthy captured a fox last week & Greg McCarthy had a spelling contest in school last Sat. Robert Heyl was winner, he won 99 words out of 100, he missed the word alien. Mrs. Seibert of Smithton died and will be buried Sun. afternoon at Smithton. We put our Christmas bells on the window this evening. Hy. Armstutz store clerk at Gambach’s retired & is going out butchering now for the people & Ralph Rausch has filled the vacancy.
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