Cloudy & had a few showers this afternoon, had beef soup dinner, picked first peas, carrots, cabbage in soup. Henry & Rob. came got hay rake & mule. We worked gardens, ironed & patched etc. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came up cut lawn, tonite stopped awhile went to Buelhlers, to get eggs. Anna Degenhardts wedding picture is in Belleville paper, Geo. Degenhardt’s daughter; the oldest boy got married awhile back. Broad Hollow Grange has ice cream & Strawberry festival & dance tonite. Wilfred & Leo Cortner had a trial at Belleville this morn. for fighting at Floraville, with Muskoffs boy’s. Leo & Rose came this eve.
Thursday, Dec. 31, 1936
Last Day of the year & how beautiful, I must say. We went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner & supper there. Clifford Stahelbers wife is in St. Louis at Mt. Rose Sanatorium she has T.B. [tuberculosis]; isn’t well at all, had been steady in bed for 2 weeks. We seen the picture of Walter Stahl & Elvira Qurin in the papers attendants, Edgar Stahl & Viola Quirin, 21 & 19, aged were married at St. Johns Evangical [sic] Church by Rev. Hasto on day before Christmas. Bill Dengarhardt 27, of Bellevile & Rethuermann girl were married yesterday at Cetreville Station by Fr. Keuth, he is Geo. Dengenharts.
Friday, July 15, 1932
We all went out to Henry’s, they had the threshers there for oats, had a few for lunch & all for dinner got 590 bu. oats, from there they went to Ganley’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t be there, – they had to go by Oscar’s & Ronnenberg’s & Franks. This evening they came up then we all went to Frank Degenhardt’s wake; he was 57 yrs. old the funeral will first be Mon. morning. Mr. Licht the insurance man was here this evening. There was a bunch went on a Excursion boat trip today, Hepp’s, Moeher’s, etc.
Thursday, July 14, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & her & Rosalia took the car & went out to Henry’s help prepare for threshers, they had dinner there. Hy. Armstutz was here this morning & evening. The threshers came here about 2 oclock, gave them lunch. Henry threshed 59½ bus. wheat, we got 19 bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went threshing at Henry Birkner’s they had them for supper. Eggs are 10¢ wheat 45 at Freeburg. Mr. Joe Eichenseer, Anton’s brother was buried this morning at Ruma, he had blood poison had a scratch on his arm. Frank Degenhardt died this afternoon at 4:30 he had T.B.
Thursday, Sept. 10, 1931
Mrs. William Braun, nee Schilling will be buried today, leaving the house at 8:30, church at 9, then to the cemetery. She was 35 yrs. old & has 7 children living & 4 dead. Henry & Leona, Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Bertille all went to the funeral it was a large one, we went to the house, church, cemetery. Fr. Janssen of Smithon [sic] had the ceremony, he had a wedding in the home first, Frank Kroll got married. Fr. Grooten is awful bad sick with nervous breakdown. Papa took care of the kids this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. All the Schillings where out today, Jonny, Sam, Gabriel, Martin, Joe, & George, all at the funeral, Degenhardts, Natz, Mosbacher 1 daughters.
Uncle Fred & Papa went to help Roy Staunfbiel get his father’s coping from the cemetery this afternoon. Mrs. Stauenfbiel was here to see if she could get a ride home from Belleville on the 15 of Sept. She & papa have to go in to be witness on Val. Fristche’s will, to snigfy [sic] there writing. The egg man was here again from St. Louis, but we didn’t have any. Henry & family where up this evening, he paid his threshing bill.
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