Marita is still here. They are hauling hay in at home today, so just left her here; coming back tomorrow again. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cakes, washed windows. Beautiful day was 24 this morn, early. eggs came down awful Mertz paids 19 [cents]. L. Dehn got doz. here yesterday for 19 [cents].
Saturday, Jan. 25, 1936
Pap got crushing done; Henry & boy’s came up to. Pap, Steve Rennecker, Rob. Laut went to Pete Dehn’s sale, everything was high price, they said; Burdgorf was here looked at the cattle. Steve got 5¢ milk tonite. Joe Manier’s got fish fry tonite. Henry was saying, John Kern is in jail, scraping with Mosio; took our quilt out of the frame today. Rose & Berti name went over the radio today, but they didn’t say requested for Aunt Mary’s birthday, Jimmie & Dick played. Mexican Trail; The German Band, played one for a lady at Evansville this afternoon; Sure got good program tonite from Dismoinies [sic – Des Moines] Iowa; lot of good riddles & jokes.
Sunday, Jan. 12, 1936
Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary made a short call. Louis Birkner’s family of New Athens were visiting them today. At 11:30 today report came to Mrs. Renneker, that Peter Dehn’s house was on fire, he was at the house at the time, looked out the window & seen fire on the lawn, he called for help, saved a few things, & house burned to the ground, old one & new one, the wind was so high, it carried sparks over to Owen Fahey’s hay shed & that started burning from the bottom, but they got it out & plows around it, Steve & Gus Klotz & papa went over to help this afternoon roads are terrible muddy. Stutz & Keller of Near New Athens looked at the horse, said they see us later.
Saturday, Nov. 30, 1935
Papa went to Jack Dugan’s & bought a sow for $25.00. got crushing done this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up to the woods & got load rock. Ed. Meng was over awhile. Henry was here & got block & taggle, to butchered a beef soon. Horn’s funeral & in Waterloo & Dehn at Red Bud this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & Rose & Berti went along to Oak Grove, Adm. 10¢, he paid it, Blossom City Orch; not much to it; one at Burksville also; at Waterloo.
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 1935
We all went up in the woods, took dinner along, but it started in to rain, came home at 12’o clock, rained all afternoon. Berti baked cookies; & we put quilts together; have the “Goose Track” all set together & border on; now started the stitched one. Bernice Wagner came, selling chances on a turkey to be raffled out on Dec 24. at the Public School House, we took 1, 10¢ each kid has 20 chances to sell – 3 – 25¢. Pierre Laut was also here, but we can’t take chances from all of them. Mr. Geo Dehn of Ellis Grove died at 3:20 this afternoon, he was ailing for quite awhile, had 3 pralatic [sic – paralytic] strokes. Mrs Rennecker’s brother.
Saturday, Sept. 14, 1935
Papa got hair cut; he went up to the crusher to see Roy Staufbiel. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, brought basket pickles along, they went to Red Bud to the sale of the late Mrs. Con Dehn. Bert went to town got 25¢ for eggs. The Dupo pinic [sic] which was supposed to be today is posponed [sic] till Thurs; we have chance on winning a Ford V8 there. Leona came up & Billy [Willis]. We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Donahue’s to Herman Wolf’s wife’s birthday dance & may what a crown, Au Buchon’s family Orchestra.
Thursday, Nov. 8, 1934
Rose finished my dress, started hers. We had chicken soup dinner. Mr. William Rankin & painter of Waterloo, gave us a call. We went to Mr. John Dehn’s funeral at Red Bud this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went down too; we didn’t go out to the cemetery, it got so late, till church was over; an awful large funeral; nice flowers.
Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1934
Election Day. We washed & ironed. Mrs. Jackel of St. Louis, Ed & Hy. Meng sister died, will be buried this afternoon at Belleville. Mr. John Dehn died last night is now at Dashner’s Parlor at Red Bud; he was operated on last Fri. afternoon, died last night. Mrs. Rennecker’s brother. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brand left for Ala. this morning 7:30. Mr. & Mrs. Levi Gregson went out to Uncle Adam’s today, Emil was on the polls all day. Papa & Rosalia went up to vote. Henry & Leona came up this afternoon to vote. Report was Democrats won in Hecker.
Sunday, Nov. 4, 1934
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had dinner & supper here, Frank Dudenhoefer came her too told us that they were asked to come out to Manier’s for chicken supper, 5 families were out; he said we should come Wed. or next Sun. Mr. John Dehn was taken to Belleville hospital, operated for appendix and is pretty bad, no visitors allowed; he is 61 yrs. of age. Mr. R. D. Butler of Burksville is in Red Bud hospital, poor condition. We went to Pautler’s to a free for all dance, cowboys of Rythmn [sic], had a wonderful time. There was 260 CC camps boy’s at the Waterloo camps & about half where at the dance, some bunch, they already have some sent back & 6 in jail this morning for stealing. Aunt Mary went to church & meeting this afternoon in School hall.
Friday, June 15, 1934
Papa hauled load posts home, he & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, had lunch, there. They didn’t get started cutting till 3 o’clock, till they had the new binder set up works fine. papa helped shock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening; they got a letter today from postmaster Loehr of Waterloo, to come to Waterloo tomorrow afternoon, that Wm. & John Hempe, received the paper from the government, & will pay up everything. Mr. Loehr came out this evening to talk things over; the bonds aren’t in yet, come in a few day’s. Mr. Louis Dehn, was here for eggs, we only had a few; he is going to buy dewberries from Gus Blackburn 75¢ bucket.
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