Raining this morn. We went to Belleville pap went to dentist, it is colder tonite. Eggs 20¢. Jake Orlet, John Mueth * Aug. Kaubrueck stoped [sic] in looking for seed oats, then went to the school house to a Literary Meeting. Belleville speakers 2 of them.
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1937
Ground hog seen his shadow, 6 weeks bad weather. Leo & Rose came, we went along to Belleville, pap went to dentist, they had dinner with us, took the wash stand along that was upstairs. Pap & Bert went to Waterloo this afternoon, got egg mash, paid Quernheim for Rose furniture, Bedroom Set, Spring & Mattress, kitchen cabinet, all $120.75. Beautiful day, little cold. Pap & Bert went over to Geo. Wagners, helped quilt a Sun flower quilt, had lunch. Pap & Steve, Ed. Kerober, Geo. Wagner played pinochle & solo; ladies quilted.
Thursday, Dec. 24, 1936
Cleaned & fixed the ducks, 7 & 8½ lbs. they weighed. Went to Belleville Rose went to dentist, went to church. Sure a nice day, so warm we have windows & doors open. Robert Laut has his electric put in & has a radio, installed. Slopy [sic] weather & roads. Leo came down this evening, we light the Christmas tree.
Friday, Dec. 18, 1936
Went to Belleville, Rose had tooth put in & 1 filled $13.50 we got new galoshes; Bert had her picture taken but no good. Boy it is snowing, will be a nice Christmas. I think; so far.
Thursday, Dec. 10, 1936
Rose sewed jumpers. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Rose had her broken tooth looked after by dentist, he has to treat it, & if it hurts, has to have it pulled; come in again next Fri. We went to Steve Renneckers played pinochle broke even, except one game tie, Berti had 800 kings. Pretty cold.
Saturday, Dec. 5, 1936
Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up she went along with us to Belleville to Dr. Wagner, pap paid him $71.50 & was allowed $15 for his teeth, the old crown. Raining all day nearly.
Thursday, Nov. 19, 1936
Pap hauled corn fodder, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came got there chickens bought 21 hens. 56 lbs. springs @ 12¢ & 6 lb. old hens @ 10¢. We are painting table & chairs in kitchen. Went to Belleville dentist this afternoon. Leo came we played cards.
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1936
Assorted our chickens, Ironed. A lady here selling a polishing salmeter; we bought one. Pap & Bert went to Belleville dentist this afternoon; he got his lower set today, has to come back, about Thurs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. played cards.
Thursday, Nov. 12, 1936
Pap got load corn fodder & Leona & Billy [Willis] came back with him, she helped quilt all day, the rest came up for supper & we quilted at nite, while the men went to Kammler’s hall to a poultry meeting given by L.D. Mertz, in regard to Wayne feeds. Pap & Bert went to Belleville, he got his upper set [teeth] today, & looked at Bert, getting along alright.
Saturday, Nov. 7, 1936
Pap got haircut. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped on there way home from Benedick’s sale at Red Bud, Hy. Frisckorn bought the place $600.00. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Berti got 2 teeth pulled $3.50 & xray was $2. Maniers have fish fry tonite. Hy Limbach came this evening. Ralph Etling came on business. Viola Einwich is celebrating her birthday at Floraville.
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