Monday, Nov. 2, 1936

All Souls Day, went to 7 o’clock mass. Went to Belleville all day, dentist this afternoon. Raining all day. Wm. Ganley & Ambrose Doyle all had shooting matches yesterday.

Friday, Oct. 30, 1936

Beautiful day. Bill Fritsche look & fix our furnace. Pap went up in woods, got load corn fodder. Frank Kroll wanted to see him, about lots at cemetery, so he had to go out there. Henry Schaefer of Waterloo died, to be buried tomorrow, at Hecker cemetery. Fr. Aydt to have mass at Waterloo at 10′ o clock then out to cemetery, there is 3 funeral masses at Waterloo, 2 are Stackels, one being Hy. Emery’s father in law, & Schaefer. Joe Gregson & Lester bought 2 acres of land from Wil. Harbaugh, $800.00, going to operate & build a filling station, it is already staked of. We went to Belleville this afternoon, pap went to dentist again.

Thursday, Oct. 8, 1936

Cloudy & raining, foggy. Pap went to see Pleuger & to Gukers at Red Bud, made even trade with his Philco & our’s. it is a pretty small radio, but is clear; we still have ours here yet. We went to Belleville to dentist again. Bernice got 1 doz. eggs. 25¢.

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1936

Pap harrowed for Chris Buehler, in our field. Mr. Emil Geodelle plaster of Waterloo fixed the front room ceiling, finished at Kemps to. Pap & Rose went to Belleville, he got 3 teeth pulled, at Dr. Wagners. Omer & Bertie went to St. Louis to Emil’s, seen the Veil[ed] Prophet parade, was real nice, had 20 floats, different states & bands etc. It rained this afternoon. Hecker Catholics had euchre party tonite in school hall, 26 tables; quite few from other place they say.

Monday, Sept. 14, 1936

We washed, ironed, pap & Rose went out to Henrys to get a load of oats. Geodelle’s of St. Louis way by them yesterday, digging a porch. Aunt Mary has the picture tray of all her teeth, there are a few on top that isn’t just right, but she didn’t have none pulled over there, he gave her some mouth wash, put it on her gums & teeth also; should help the tongue.

Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1936

Finished ironing, & patching. Chas. Helfrich was here on business. We went out to Uncle Freds tonite for supper, Miss Keller came, & took them along to St. Louis, left about 8:30; she is going to the dentist to have a Xray taken of her teeth, to see what is wrong with her tongue; it is comes from the teeth or what it is.

Wednesday, Aug. 26, 1936

Ironed. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo to dentist. Bert got 1 filled by Hotz $2.00. A guy here selling apples $1.25 bu. & ones taking orders for Mitner Product Co. of St. Louis. Joe Griffin came & checked up on light switches etc. We went to Belleville, got everything the fixtures etc. Joe also was in, got it all at Haskel’s Electric Store.

Saturday, April 18, 1936

A man here wanted to rent Uncle’s house across the street for a dentist office; he came from Millsdadt [sic] – they won’t rent. Martha Boll gave us a visit for about 1 hr ½ this eve. Miss Luella Koerber of Floraville, is having a birthday dance at Paulters tonite, & boy what a crowd. Gents 25 ladies free, Rythm [sic] Kings played pretty good musci [sic], & crowd. Lot from Hecker.

Thursday, May 23, 1935

Went to Belleville, papa got 3 teeth pulled by Dr. Wagner $3.50 was allowed $1 for gold crown on tooth. Rose & Bert went to Red Bud, went to Felcias Roscows got dress pattern, & we got 2 sacks feed from Zipfel. Rose took 6 doz. eggs. 21¢. Dr. Smith of Red Bud, his wife left him Sat., also Krehns fired hired girl. Henry came after wire stretcher, this evening.

Tuesday, May 14, 1935

We washed this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, & we went along to Belleville with them, went to dentist, rain again today, & colder. Send Melvin Winter a chain letter today.