It is raining a little this morning. Papa went up to see Fr. Grootens a little while & had a conversation with him. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morn. they stayed for dinner & then they went through Red Bud to Waterloo & then back here again, they were here for supper, after that we played a 4 handed pinochle game, 4 games were played each winning 2 games. Fredie Fritsche was here and wanted to sell seeds for the school. Today was election for telephone operator, Eliza Boll received it again. Mrs. Deuker & Jake Neff had applied for it too. Deukers had 2 votes, Neff 7 votes, Eliza 3 votes. Today is George Boll’s birthday, Karl is sick ever since last Wednesday, he has awful high fever.
Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. It is raining again this morning. Papa went to Waterloo today. Bertille mailed the letter to Chicago Mail Order. Bertille got the mail & then we went down to see Deuker’s. They had company from St. Louis for a little while. Miss Mason the teacher from the upper school was also there. We 5 played ruma and then we played bunco.
Friday, August 29, 1930
Today is “Billy” Kammler’s birthday. He is 2 yrs. old. Gus Hempe and a man from St. Joe were here this afternoon & got our little colt for $40.00. They didn’t have it so nice to load her, she wasn’t used to any trucks. They got her on & away they went. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to got a load of wheat, then Papa went to Red Bud with it. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wedel had a accident near by Waterloo, when they were crowded off of the hard road. The Hecker School will open on Tuesday, Sept. 2 Gregory Mcarthy teacher. Broad Hollow on Sept. 2 by Miss Mary Havey teacher. McQuillen School Sept. 2 by Miss Lela Deuker teacher. Hirst School Sept. 2 by Miss Ethel Deuker teacher. Blackburn School Sept. 2 by Miss Klinklenberg of Marystown teacher. Grace Axley the Marini School.
Saturday, June 28, 1930
We all went in to Waterloo & through Red Bud home this afternoon. Henry Kammler was to have his dance tonight but it is postponed on account of the deaths of the Gambach’s. It is in all the paper’s about the accident that happened with the 2 boys. It was just 43 years ago that George Gambach’s sister got drowned. Odillo Eichensser & Rudolph Rausch were here this evening & looking for ball grounds. Rosalia & Bertille & Mamie Eichenseer went over to see Gambach’s this evening. They sure do look nice. Mrs. George Gambach takes it awful hard & also Lela Deuker [Denker?]. She was going with Willard. There were 5 machines, florists that brought flowers.
Thursday, May 15, 1930
Leona, Robert, Floyd, were here this morning. Leona & Bertille went to church. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie Eichenseer’s this evening. We played ball, hi spice, and then we walked down to Deuker’s and talked with Ethel & Mrs. Deuker(sp?). Then we stopped and talked with Eliza Boll a little while. There is a dance out at Blackburn’s this evening, but we didn’t have no invitation so we didn’t go. There was a big crowd there. They charge .25¢ for the men. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there. Papa, Rosalia were out at Henry’s this afternoon.
Friday, May 2, 1930
Today is Mrs. Joe Wachtel’s birthday. Rosalia went up to church this morning. It rained last night, thundered and lightin’, hail & wind, but it didn’t do no damage as far as I know. Papa went up to the school this morning again, today he wanted all the men from the congregation to come to help pour cement. Miss Lela & Ethel Deuker (sp?), the school teachers, took their school children to Fort Chartre yesterday in Lester Gregson’s truck for an outing. They had wiener roast, ice cream. There were about 50 children. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon. Uncle Fred went up to work at the new school. They stayed at our house for supper. Bertille went over to Mrs. Frank Birkner this afternoon & brought her some tomato plants from Aunt Mary. Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to the store, got .20¢ a dozen.
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