Went to Orlets; picked dewberries, Rose [Rosalia] got 14 qts & jelley [sic]; they picked about 12 gals; we got 3. We had lunch dinner lunch. Jake drives the binder & Leo shocks. We brought Marita along home, they want to schock this eve. Bill [Klein] came this eve; has a new V.8 coach.
Tuesday, June 18, 1935
We all went up dewberry picking this morn. got 6 gallons, had our baskets all filled, canned 9 qts.; cold packed, & rest in jelly, 12 glasses so far; & 5 pts. peas, also cold packed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went to Waterloo; Clara Wagner came over a little, tell us about canning peas. Rain again, in showers, & awful cold, north wind. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at Belleville Sat, to see Ivo, he was pretty good talked quite a bit. Papa got skim milk yesterday, made cheese today.
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