Pretty cool today, with some showers, went to Red Bud mass, went with Henry & family to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper. Leo & Rose were also over. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came. Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville to Boeker’s Wedding dance, Boy! what a crowd; Girls played. Rained a little. We got in the ditch coming home, he drove along the side of the road on account of holes & oil, got in rut & went right in the ditch. Lee Gregson & Isd. Helfrich came along Lee took his tire chains & hooked on bumper & pulled it out backwards, Leo & Lee pushed, Isd. drove; would of never got out if he wouldn’t of pulled it out. Uncle put his chains on also.
Sunday, April 25, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, April, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: accident, Aunt Mary, Birkner, Boeker, Brand, car_stuck, church, ditch, Floraville, Floyd, Gregson, Helfrich, Henry, Leona, marriage, mass, Orlet, Red_Bud, road_conditions, Robert, tire_chains, Uncle Fred, wedding, wedding_dance, Willis
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